CIRCLE 4 PLAN | Chapter 17

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One Should Avoid Running Out of Money


To fill the gap in the construction costs of the insufficient giant battleship: 60 million yen. For the construction costs of two aircraft carriers: 160 million yen. For the procurement costs of carrier-based aircraft to be deployed on four aircraft carriers: 50 million yen. In addition to the modification costs of three special mission ships into aircraft carriers and the construction costs of escort vessels for deployment in the mobile fleet, and various other expenses. A total expenditure of nearly 600 million yen. In total, Binta contributed close to 70% of the total cost of the Circle 3 Plan, which was 880 million yen, to the Imperial Navy.

He had made such a significant economic contribution to the Circle 3 Plan. Therefore, it was reasonable to assume that he wouldn't be called upon for the Circle 4 Plan. The Imperial Navy should have some common sense and decorum, Binta thought. However, he was mistaken. After two years, he received another summons from the Navy Ministry. Binta, who had been promoted from Special Mission Lieutenant to Special Mission Lieutenant Commander due to his economic contribution to the Circle 3 Plan, was waiting in the minister's office.

Just like the previous time, Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai as the Minister of the Navy and Vice Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto as his Vice-Minister were waiting for him.

"Excuse me," Binta said as he entered the room. Minister Yonai and Vice-Minister Yamamoto stood up and welcomed him, offering him a seat. The attitude was not typical of admirals toward a Special Mission Lieutenant Commander, but that's the power of money.

"What can I do for you this time, sir?" Binta asked, although he thought it was a rather hypocritical question to ask, considering he had already figured it out.

"First of all, please take a look at this," Minister Yonai said, handing Binta a few papers. The military seal was fresh and the document was of the highest secrecy.

'Just like last time, I've gained quite a bit of trust.' Binta chuckled to himself and quickly read and memorized the text and numbers on the document to ensure he didn't raise any unnecessary suspicions. He promptly handed the document back to Minister Yonai.

"As for this Circle 4 Plan, what do you think from your perspective, Satsutaba-san?" Minister Yonai asked.

Binta shared his honest opinion with the minister, even though he was careful with his choice of words.

"Two giant battleships, eighteen torpedo-specialized destroyers, and only one aircraft carrier. It doesn't make any sense at all."

Despite Binta's dismissive attitude, Minister Yonai explained the points he had raised without concern.

"The reason for the fewer numbers in the Circle 4 Plan is because the Circle 3 Plan already expanded the carrier fleet significantly. In the previous plan, we converted four regular carriers and three modified carriers, resulting in a total of seven carriers. Of course, this was made possible thanks to your assistance, Satsutaba-san. However, the higher-ups deemed that we have a sufficient number of carriers now. As a result, the Circle 4 Plan allocated more budget to other types of ships."

Hearing Minister Yonai's words, as expected, Binta sighed inwardly. What he had done to help the Imperial Navy transition to an air-centric force had ultimately only expanded the overall budget pie. Or perhaps one could say that the Imperial Navy had outmaneuvered Binta.

"I understand that there are fewer aircraft carriers. However, I'd like to know the reason for today's summons," Binta said, despite feeling his motivation wane. Nevertheless, he continued with the conversation, as leaving the room wasn't an option, and this meeting needed a resolution.

"Just like last time, we would like to request financial assistance. Specifically, we need funding for the construction of aircraft carriers and their escort vessels. We hope for three aircraft carriers on our end, but if that's too difficult, even one would suffice," Minister Yonai made a straightforward request without any pretense or embellishment.

Binta pondered the request. In normal circumstances, he could simply decline it without facing any backlash, given the massive support he had already provided during the Circle 3 Plan.

However, the current global situation didn't allow for such a response. In the realm of international economic activities, Binta was keenly aware of the approaching footsteps of military conflict and the clatter of war boots. What he could perceive was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. By observing the flow of money, people, and goods in the covert global economy, he could make highly accurate predictions about the next moves of various entities. Because of this capability, Binta managed to amass a fortune by engaging with the world on an economic level that others couldn't fathom.

Based on his understanding of the global shadow economy, Binta had assessed that Germany was likely to initiate a war against other countries within the year, with Poland being the probable target. This would lead to Germany engaging in warfare with Britain and France, igniting a major European conflict. The sparks from that conflict could potentially spread to Japan and the United States in the near future.

Binta was aware of the sense of urgency that seemed to engulf him. Therefore, he decided to gather the necessary information to determine the future course of action.

"As for the aircraft carriers, in the Circle 3 Plan, they had a budget of 80 million yen, but in the Circle 4 Plan, it's been increased to 100 million yen. Even considering inflation, this is a significant rise in costs. Or is the design of the Circle 4 Plan's aircraft carrier different from the Circle 3 Plan's?"

Binta's question was not about the budget but more about the military preparedness. Therefore, Minister Yonai could have avoided answering by citing military reasons. However, he chose not to do so, or perhaps he couldn't. Displeasing Binta was not merely about the unavailability of aircraft carriers. There were numerous organizations and facilities that operated with Binta's financial support, such as the Naval Technical Research Institute and the Training Air Group. For the Imperial Navy, it was unthinkable to let him go no matter what.

"The aircraft carrier in the Circle 4 Plan is indeed different from those in the Circle 3 Plan. The reason for the price increase is primarily due to the fact that, unlike the previous plan, this is an armored carrier. Adding armor to the flight deck has increased the displacement, which, in turn, has raised the construction costs."

While listening to Minister Yonai's explanation, Binta mentally calculated the situation. If they were to start the construction of armored carriers immediately, they could potentially complete them by 1943. However, with no budget provisions in place, it would likely take considerable time before it even started construction. This meant that it wouldn't become operational until 1944 at the earliest.

Binta had a positive view of the construction of armored carriers in general. Many countries, including the United States and Germany, were emphasizing dive bombing and actively developing tactics and equipment for it. Dive bombing offered a significantly higher hit rate compared to the traditional horizontal bombing. Consequently, countries were striving to bolster their dive-bombing capabilities. Aircraft capable of dive bombing were considered formidable opponents for aircraft carriers, with their large flight decks. Depending on where they were hit, a single bomb could mission-kill an aircraft carrier. However, if the aircraft carrier was armored, the situation would be different. If it had armor capable of deflecting enemy bombs, it would undoubtedly enhance both its survivability and combat effectiveness.

In peacetime, Binta might have been inclined to provide funding for the construction of armored carriers. But at present, he had no such intention. His perception of the current situation significantly diverged from that of the upper echelons of the Imperial Navy.

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