⭑ now shake hands and make up⭑

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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

~second-person pov~

You were first awakened by Ragtha's soft voice from outside for door, followed by a sickeningly familiar jangle of keys before Jax busted down the door with his foot, light flooding the room as I scrambled from my bed and crashed onto the floor in fright. 

When I was fully awake, Ragatha apologized for Jax's behavior and informed me that we would be refilming the intro today. You were confused, but then remembered when you and pomni entered the circus, and how there was music and how Pomni had fallen into everyone during the process.

Still shaking from the rude awakening, you three went to fetch pomni, who was also worriedly questioning what was happening. Ragatha calmed her as we made our way to the main area of the circus tent, where zooble, kinger, and gangle were already waiting. You spotted gangle, who seemed more upbeat, then realized that her comedy mask that was previously broken seemed brand new. Ragatha told me and pomni that it was simple routine and really wasn't a big deal.

Caine appeared with bubble at his side and enthusiastically announced that he would be cuing the music for the intro soon. Jax rubbed his gloved finger against his teeth and examined it carefully. Zooble, at his side, rolled their eyes and crossed their arms. "Your teeth aren't going to get less yellow, Jax..." they said in a flat voice. "So what? You can never be too sure." He retorted.

Caine gave you and pomni your instructions. Pomni would take what was once Kaufmo's place, and I you would be introduced behind ragatha. You all did a couple practice runs, which all ended in either you or pomni tripping and falling or missing your cue. Caine was patient with you, which is more then you could say about the others. Once when you fell on your ass right after missing your cue, Jax whispered- "have a nice trip, seeya next fall" under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear. When he caught you glaring at him over your shoulder, he smugly covered his mouth with his glove to hide his laughter.

After what felt like forever, the intro was complete. You near keeled over out of exhaustion, your hands on your knees and you took deep breaths. Jax walked over to you with his hands on his hips. "You'll get it in due time, toots. Don't feel bad about yourself...your fall already covered that." His voice tensed at the end as he held back a chuckle. 

You looked up and narrowed your eyes. "I'm fine...and stop calling me 'toots' unless your lookin' for a fight." You spat. Jax smiled even wider, his eyes unwavering as he innocently tilted his head. "Is that so? You and what army, toots?" 

You felt your blood (if you had any in the digital world) boil, and Jax could see it. When you didn't respond, Jax rolled his eyes and checked his nails (which weren't even visible with his gloves on so what's the point). "Don't get too ahead of yourself. If you were a week I could cut you into nine days." He jeered. You clenched my fists at my sides. Why does this guy have to have such good comebacks?...

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