⭑ loving machine ⭑

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~jax pov~

I ran as fast as I could, trying to dry my tears with my gloves as my feet caught on each other as I went. My head felt like it was on fire as the haunting memories from the dream clung to me.

I finally made it to my room, where I sped in and slammed the door behind me. My chest still heaving and my eyes pouring, I began tearing up my room. I threw whatever drawer that didn't have keys in it against the wall, smashing them to bits. I picked up my traps layed around my room and dragged them across the walls, creating claw-like marks all throughout the interior. The muscles burned with emotions that I couldn't quite identify. I was terrified of what I had just experienced, the pain and the terrible familiarity. But I was also angry. Angry that I had already suffered so much. Angry that even though I had already had my life snatched from my hands, I must still suffer more. Was it my fate, my manifest density, that I must suffer? No matter how hard I try to find the answers, no matter how much hope I desperately try to hold on to, no matter how many times I am forced to betray - and in this case- betray the one person that I have truly loved...is it still written in the digital stars that I must fail?

I tore nearly everything up, restraining myself from wreaking havoc on my key closet- a place where the keys that were actually valuable were stored. I knew future me would kick my ass if I misplaced even one key.

After nearly everything around me was shattered to bits, I leaned myself on my wall and slid down. I buried my face in my knees. I no longer had the energy to cry and yell, so I just sat there, unmoving as the ferocious storm in my mind began to settle. The disgusting smell of the heat-fermented corn still lingered in my nose, and even where my foot had first been crushed by the big machine still ached. I didn't understand, it was a dream. But it felt so real...

And so I sat there against the wall, hugging my knees and controlling my breathing in the eye of the disastrous scene I had caused...

~y/n pov~

I had finally managed to trace the small splatters of Jax's tears to his room. I ran down the hallway, out of breath as I leaned against his door for a moment. 

Once I had collected myself and swallowed the settled spit in my mouth, I timidly knocked on Jax's door. 

No answer.

"Jax? It's me, y/n...I really just wanted to check on you."

Still no answer.

I rested my hand in the golden doorknob. "Jax, I'm coming in." I announced boldly, my voice leveling to a serious tone. When there was again, no answer, I turned the knob and opened the door.

It was the first time I had been in his room, and I clenched my teeth at the sight. It looked like a category five hurricane had swept right through it. Everything was thrown around, shattered, torn, and broken at my feet. I had to step gingerly as to make sure I wasn't cut by any of the glass. I looked around at the walls and felt the torn wallpaper with my hands. These are fresh marks... I thought to myself. He just did this...

I finally looked at jax, who hadn't raised his head to meet me. His arms hugged around his knees which were scrunched up to his face. His ears were drooped and his body sat as still as a statue. I carefully stepped over to him and stood next to him, leaning down so I could be face-level. "Jax?" I once again lay my hand on his shoulder, gently as to not startled him.

When he didn't answer, I got on my knees and lowered my head, trying to sneak a look at his face. "Jax, can you lift your head for me?" I asked softly.

It took a moment, but Jax lifted his head and glanced down at me. His fur was ragged along his shoulders and ears, and the unders of his eyes were wet with tears. His large yellow grin had disappeared completely. He seemed embarrassed to look at me, and he turned his head to the side. 

"Please don't look away jax..." I pleaded quietly, my heart breaking. I had never seen jax when he wasn't teasing or apologizing for teasing or being flirty. My insides hurt at seeing him in such a state. I sat up on my knees and carefully placed my hands on the other side of his face, gingerly turning his head to me again. I remembered us about to brake each other's necks over the stupidest things, now we were alone as I tried to wave away the sadness clinging to both of us like moss.

Jax's gaze now focused on me, and I smiled softly. "What do you need, jax?" I asked gently, removing my hand. 

Jax glanced away again, embarrassed. "Don't be shy." I chuckled. 

Jax picked at his gloves before he glanced back down at me. "Can you hold me...please?" He mumbled through his teeth, his voice shaking a bit. I was I tad surprised by his request, and under different circumstances I would've raised my brow and crossed my arms, but I felt it would be rude to refuse. I folded my legs sideways into a mermaid sit and held out my arms. Jax widened his eyes, not thinking I would accept his request.

He gingerly lowered himself, weakly kicking away shards of broken things around us. He rested his head on my legs and I put my arms under his back and held his shoulder to secure him. (im so sorry guys im terrible at writing cuddling scenes 😿). He closed his eyes as his shaky breathes turned more steady. His fur against my skin/fur warmed me quickly as I began soothing the fur along his arms back to its original smoothness. 

Every once in a while I would ask him if he was comfortable, to which he weakly nodded or mumbled in response. By the time I had asked and he didn't respond, my eyelids began to grow heavy. My hand movements along Jax's ears slowed until they stopped, the cold digital world around me growing dark as me and jax embraced each other's warmth...

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don't worry my children there's more angst where that came from!!!! 💞✨💫💞✨💞✨💫✨💞⚡️✨💞

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