⭑ inferno || ending 2/2 ⭑

818 22 46

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

oh no. you've got the bad ending.

~second-person omniscient~

"You have done nothing wrong...you've never deserved to be in this digital hell and I never deserved you...but we found each other."

You felt your blood begin to boil ever more at his words. His abstracted hands holding the sides of your face felt digusting. Your abstracted eyes narrowed.

"I love you...so much." he sobbed out, his ears drooping and his body slightly swayed from side out side as his consciousness began to ebb away. You could only feel the fire of anger rise until the flames licked into the pupils of your eyes.

You don't love me... you wanted to say

You turned me into this.




"I understand if you never forgive me...I wouldn't forgive me either...but I can't continue false living knowing I did this to you..." he barely choked out, his abstracted tears running down his face and creating raindrop affects on the void-black ground.

★  LABYRINTH ★ JAX X GN! READER || TADCWhere stories live. Discover now