⭑ my plea ⭑

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~y/n pov~

My eyes fluttered open to the feeling of Jax's gentle breath atop my head, his gloves still loosely wrapped around me and vise-versa.

I glanced upwards and saw Jax's eyes peacefully closed and his breathing undisturbed. I looked back down and replayed the memories from last night back in my head, surprised at myself for being so bold, and even more so at jax being so compliant. He didn't really seem to put up a fight to anything I said, which was...rare?

"You awake?"

I flinched at the sudden voice and I looked up again to see Jax's tired eyes (though of course complimented with his smug grin) beaming down at mine. I sighed and rested my head near his chest again. "@$#& jax...you gotta stop scaring me when you wake up."

"Hah...sorry about that, toots..." I looked up again, my brows formed when I noticed something strange about his eyes. "Jax...your eyes are red."

His eyes widened and his smile dropped, as if he was caught red-handed (or red eyed hahah...no? ok)

"W-what do you mean?"

"Your eyes- around the bottom and under, they're like a pinkish-red, like you were crying...or high." I lifted my eyebrow.

His face was blank for a moment, seeming to process my words, then his smile returned and he rolled his eyes. "Oohhhh yeah, i rub my eyes a lot in my sleep, just a thing I do. No need to worry." He said nonchalantly. I didn't believe him, but I didn't want to dwell on it and look like an idiot.

We were silent for a few more moment before I felt him trace circles on my back with his gloved finger. "So...what does this make us?"

"I don't really know...do you like me?" I asked.

"Do you like me?"

"I asked you first." I retorted

"Yeah...I like you a lot."

"me too..."

More silence passed between us before I looked up at him again and lifted my hand from his back to scratch the side of his face near his ear. "I'm sorry that we started out so bad..." I chuckled lightheartedly.

~jax pov~

Oh no this was baaaddd. I can't believe I just confessed that I really liked them! And they...said it back? Was this real?

And they sounded like they meant it...wh-. But they're entire mission is to bring all of us down! To exploit our weaknesses to the advantage of whoever created this digital purgatory, and they had the nerve to ask me to be theirs? Oh, I hated them...

But as they looked back me and placed their hand on my face...oh god, please stop looking at me like that...please stop. I leaned into their touch pathetically, like a small wounded animal alone in the woods clawing for the approaching light.

I forgot what they said for a second, and only was I called back to the present I focused my gaze back on them. They were slightly frowning now, and they're scratching near my ear had ceased, they dropped their sad gaze away from mine. "I'm sorry, it's ok if you don't feel the same, I understa-"

I placed my hand on their shoulder and they looked back to me. "No! Y/n, I'm sorry...I do." Pft. Look at yourself, promising that you want them right after you said that you hated them, you're pathetic...

Y/n held eye contact with me, which made me slightly uncomfortable considering that I sounded so desperate just then, but then smiled tiredly. "I just don't want to pressure you into anything..."

Really now? You don't want to pressure me into anything? You act so considerate, getting me to trust you and all just so you can break me down and move on to someone else...anger began to course through me...

"Jax, your hurting my shoulder." Y/n said in a deadpan voice. I snapped out of my thoughts and realized my grip on them was increasing, so I immediately released my glove from their shoulder. "Sorry, I...sorry." I rested my head back on the pillow, saying no more.

They smiled playfully. "I suppose so."

Still smiling, I reacted my hand up and gently felt their face with my gloved fingertips. They didn't flinch or swat me away, which made my heart melt. "How did we get here?" I wondered out loud, remembering when we were at each other's throats for arguments I couldn't even remember.

They huffed in laughter and rolled their eyes. "I'm not really sure...but I'm glad we're here..."

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