⭑ goodnight, my beautiful... ⭑

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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

~jax pov~

I eventually forced myself to gather myself (even if I preformed said task poorly and clumsily), and ran to keep up with the faded echoes of pomni's screaming and yelling as y/n perused them.   Pomni and ragatha screamed and shouted for Caine, but scarily similar to when Kaufmo abstracted, he did not seem to appear at the moment needed.

I was begging to get tired, the aching in my limbs paired with my head nausea creating not helping the situation- though even then I could hear events unfold from deeper into the circus. Pomni's shouting stopped for a moment before gangle must have gotten caught in the panic, for she began screaming for Caine. And seconds later, Kinger joined in.

I froze in terror as the noise drew closer. I turned my head just enough to see Pomni running down the hallway, dragging a still-glitching Ragatha behind her. Gangle struggled to keep up while Kinger held onto one of her ribbon-hands. In an instant, Y/N's disoriented self came charging around the corner, crashing into the opposite wall and releasing a deafening roar.

My god...where is caine when you need him?  I thought with hate.

As the circus floor shook, y/n only drew closer. I looked in all directions, panicking on the inside (and outside). 

I gazed down at the ledge that overlooked the main circus floor below. A surge of panic coursed through my veins as I frantically motioned and waved my arms, shouting as loud as I could for them to guide y/n towards the ledge. Pomni and the others, realizing that there was no other alternative, sprinted towards the ledge, only to come to an abrupt halt. Y/n skidded off the ledge, attempting desperately to latch onto the ledge before pluging to the ground below with a confused and startled screech. 

The entire circus shook as y/n crashed onto the floor below. All was silent for a moment as we all peered over the ledge with our breaths held. Y/n tried to stand at first but their distorted, stubby legs buckles underneath them as they slid and scampered across the tiled circus floor, letting out a shriek of pain every time they fell or crashed into a colorful stack of blocks. I squeezed my eyes shut and held my ears to the sides of my head, not baring to hear their agonizing sounds. 

When they finally managed to find their footing, everyone lowered themselves behind the ledge, not daring to make any noise in case they attracted y/n's attention and resumed the chase again.

But as everyone had their teeth clenched and breathing steady, a cloud of haze exploded behind us.


Everyone shouted in fear at caine's sudden appearance, gangle fainting and kinger tripping over the ledge as he screamed. This commoting alerted y/n, and stood to see them approaching kinger, as if they were stalking prey. Kinger sounded panicked as he flailed, turning his head all directions as he tried finding a way to escape.

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