⭑ now, do you see what you've done? ⭑

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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hey guys! I'm sorry updates are slow, I've been worried that recent chapters I've published have been clumsily written. To this, I've been taking more time writing and I now have aid with said writing, so enjoy this chapter and the more to come!

I also broke my ankle because I told my friend I could land a kickflip and so now I have to live with the consequences of my actions

Oh I've also gotten messages asking if the titles of the chapters are songs and if they mean anything and yes! Most of the chapters in this story are the titles of songs that I try to match with the symbolism and tone of the chapter. If you want to request may song titles I can name upcoming chapters totally feel free to comment them

also I'm so close to naming the saddest and most traumatic chapter of this story "buddy holly" because wee woo I look just like Buddy holly

also just insert that one artpeice gooseworx did of jax laying down and holding his stomach in pain 

idk her art is just so cool and random and I love it

I feel sick


~ragatha's pov~

I closed the door, and y/n's sounds immediately silenced at the work of the sound-proof doors.I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes for a moment. 

"W-will they be ok? They seemed pretty upset..." she stammered. I let my hand slide off the doorknob. "Yes, y/n be fine. They just need some time to...cool off." I reasoned, casting a quick glance back to y/n's door in worry.

Not a moment passed before the silence was shattered by the sound of jax slamming his door open, making pomni jumped and spun around to see the scource of the noise. I swear, It seemed like kinger and pomni found more similarities every day.

Jax stared at us for a while, his ears rigid and eyes wide. "Oh my god- rags, is y/n ok?" he rushed, obviously restraining a pleading voice. I tried to not let any of my emotion show, wanting him to remember my exact words from when I cautioned him. The obvious guilt and desperation in his eyes, paired with y/n's last words before we dragged them out of Jax's room, completely convinced me that Jax's feelings towards y/n had shifted toward much more of a romantic ideal. Does he ever listen?...

"Did it sound  like they were ok?" I answered shortly, trying to prevent my annoyance from spilling over. Jax simply stood there, his gloved hang slightly shaking in front of him, his eyes quickly darting about, as if he couldn't find an object to focus on.

"Jax," I called, getting jax to focus on me again.

"You need to tell me what happened..." I insisted, trying to keep my voice level for his sake. For however dissapointed I was in jax, the fear in his eyes as y/n strangled his ears and screamed awful words at him was burned into my memory.  I had to understand what had prompted them to do it. From what I could tell y/n was a pretty level-headed person. I mean, they put up with Jax and was able to do so until they apparently grew feelings...what broke them?

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