⭑ sleeping with the enemy ⭑

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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

merry chirstmas (or whichever holiday you partake in) everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday 💫🎄💞 this will be my last update for this clump of days, for I will be mostly inactive for christmas and the day after that to celebrate with my family. Thank you so much for understand, and enjoy this chapter!!! 💫💫💞✨✨💞

~y/n pov~

I fled from Jax's room and clumsily beelined it towards mine. I slammed the door behind me and leaned on it heavily, my face covering my hands even though nobody was in the room with me. I felt like my entire body was on fire and my digital stomach was doing backflips. Oh my...I really just did that. I really did!

Excitement, regret, energy, and guilt (in that order) rushed through my body, creating a sickening potion of feelings that I knew wouldn't go away soon. I took my hands off my face and took a deep breath, trying to center myself.

 I clenched my teeth and my eyes shut, my body slightly shaking from restrained energy as little laughs escaped from me. Maybe I was going crazy. Maybe I was crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room...

Again the excitement left and a put opened up in my stomach. Ooohhhh god, Will jax want to talk to me again? He seemed surprised when I kissed him, but he didn't seem exactly angry?...oh my god, maybe I should just go over and apologi-

In the blink of an eye the floor from under me disappeared and I was immediately met with my body colliding with the colorful cushion floor. I yelped in surprise and threw my head up, my breathing increased.

 Surprise turned to confusion when I saw that i was in the main area of the circus tent, along with everyone else standing up and rubbing their heads in confusion. I turned my head to the other side and sucked in my breath when I saw saw jax dusting himself off and standing right next to me. He caught my eye and I looked away, embarrassed and most definitely red.

I heard a throat clearing from above us and Caine, who I didn't notice before, was hovering above all of us with a seemingly tired disposition. He snapped his fingers and everyone looked up at him. Zooble looked angered, along with jax from what I could see out of the corner of my eye. Ragatha and pomni and gangle seemed confused, and Kinger seemed only a bit scared and skittish (as he always seems).

"My friends. Dwelling on the recent events that have played out, I feel nothing but guilt. I truly only tried to make a more entertaining game for you all, but I understand that I went too far. I am truly sorry, and I hope for your forgiveness."

Silence settled in the room, nobody daring to talk, most likely still conflicted with their feelings. I turned my head to look at everyone, then realized that everyone was steadily eyeing jax. I turned my head to him and saw that his arms were crossed and his brows were furrowed in frustration. I suppose everyone is leaving it up to him?...

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