FFN 11: Nemo's my secret admirer?

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Chapter 11: Nemo's my secret admirer

"Oh my gosh, this is gorgeous. " I said walking through a forrest path.
But it wasn't just a regular forrest; the pine trees were gold and delicate, the lake looked like silver liquid and to top off the magnificent sight a layer of soft, white snow covered the ground. Snow? It doesn't snow in South Africa!

"Where am I? " I murmured to myself.
I couldn't take my eyes away from the view.
"Do you really want to know? " said a voice behind me.
I felt someone's hand on my waist and the next second I was spun around and pressed against the chest of,the one and only, Niall Horan. I was completely speechless, but luckily for me he kissed me before it could get awkward. This has to be a dream, I thought. I lost myself in the kiss feeling my whole body tingle like nothing before.

He pulled away and said, "Come on Mel, wake up will ya!"
Wait but that's not Niall's voice. That's Astrid's!
The beautiful world vanished and when I opened my eyes I saw a black wet nose, two big brown eyes and a pink tongue hovering over me.

I jumped out of bed to get away from the dog.
"Why'd you do that, Melanie?!" shrieked Orah from the floor.
I accidently knocked her off the bed when I tried to escape the clutches of the kissing dogzilla.
"Why the hell are you here, Astrid?! " I asked trying to cover my (very short) pyjamas with my gown.
"I took Nemo for a jog, when we got here I talked to your mom and Nemo ran through the open door. " explained Astrid's with yet another smirk plastered on his face.
"So tell me is he a good kisser? " asked Astrid.
"Don't you have some soccer game to lose or something? " I retorted.
I seem to have struck a nerve. One thing about Astrid is that he lives for soccer. His smirk quickly turned to a scowl and I felt a victorious smile coming along.

"Okay Astrid. Leave now!" commanded Orah shoving him and the dog out the door.
She slid down the closed door and looked at me with tired eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her. The one half of her blond head had curlers attached, the other half were in cornrows, her makeup were smudged and she looked like a perfect bride for Frankenstein. Not that I'd look any better.
"Well aren't we up to an interesting start, huh? " said Orah and got up to go to the bathroom.

After a shower, breakfast and a long nap I started my homework. Because we have the exact same classes Orah and I always do our homework together. After fifteen minutes of the newest form of Child Abuse (also known as Maths) we have up and moved on to the next subject.
"I missed last weeks lesson so can I copy your notes?" asked Orah holding up my music folder.
"Sure." I shrugged and went back to my Afrikaans homework.
Just when Orah finished question one my mother appeared in the doorway.

"Come on girls, that includes you too Ron, it's time for lunch. "
"Do I look like a girl to you, Natalia? " challenged Ron.
Mom just arched her brow and gave him the "If I were you I wouldn't " look.
"That shirt isn't helping your case, right now. " I said while Orah sniggered by my side.
With a shriek of shock I was picked up by Ron as he ran down the stairs and the living room with me begging for him to stop. After that he just jumped around. How the hell does this boy do this, but when I even mention the word exercise he seems to have allergies to the grass or something!?
At that moment Astrid's, Carter and a slightly pink Pascal walked in.

"I say this once again; you are a extremely interesting family. " said Cal trying to hold in his laughter unlike everyone else.
"Okay that's enough, guys" tried mom but her laughter won and she doubled over giggling.
Ron laid me down on the couch and sat on my stomach like the sack of bricks that he is.
"That we are indeed. " I said trying to get the thousand ton bull off of me.


"Open your window, Mel! " whisper shouted Orah through the phone.
I blinked a few times, grabbed my glasses and glanced at my alarm clock. What the Styrofoam is wrong with her for waking me up this early in the effing morning?
"Why the hell should I open my damn window?! " I said.
"Because it would be weird if I knocked on the front door and demand to speak to you at 3am in the morning!" said Orah and ended the phone call.

I walked to the window like a sleep deprived monkey and watched as Orah struggled to get on the windowsill.
"Oh mighty destroyer of sleep and good dreams how the fuck may I help you? " I said in a flat tone.
"Looks like this princess is cranky in the morning. " said Orah in a overly sweet voice. "Oh would prefer a different name, because I have quite a few for ya. " I said.
"Oh shut up and read this! "
She handed me a piece of envelope and jumped around giddily.
I took the olive green envelope and opened it. Inside was a dried out Frangipani flower. I took out the white flower and placed on my desk before unfolding the letter.

Dear Melanie
So here's something for you to show you that I like you. Usually I don't admit things like these so easily. I just wanted to let you know that someone out there thinks you're gorgeous, funny, cute, smart and fantastic. You deserve to know this... Heck you deserve much more then a letter.

Forever yours

Hey there!
We meet again. Mwah haha. Photo of Carter there . Isn't he cute? Well to more important matters who do think is Nemo? And the usual what did you think? If you want to make a fifteen year old exceptionally happy then please click that button and Vote.

The queen is out. PEACE
Gaby ♡~♥~♡

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