FFN 17: Not all arrows are from Cupid

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Chapter 7: Not all arrows are from Cupid

Melanie's POV
I was sitting on the floor while Astrid was on the bed. I waited patiently for him to tell me what was going on.
All this time I thought he was scared of me like the other kids were when they found out about my secret.

"Once upon a time... " joked Astrid and I gave him a unamused look.
He sighed and closed his eyes before speaking.
" My best friend and I got kidnapped on our way to the grocery store. I lived in England at the time. There were these three men and they pushed us into the van and asked if we were rich. Because none of us would budge they gave me this... " he said showing me a burn mark on his palm in a shape that can only come from those old, thick cigars.

Suddenly it dawned on me. They burned them!
I lightly brushed my fingers over the wound that looked like it was fresh.
"Benji got the worst of it, though. He always said things that he shouldn't. Well they kept us hostage for four days until they shot him. "

Even though his face was blank and as cold as a block of ice I could see the battle between telling me and breaking down raging in his eyes.
I thought my secret was bad?!

I just lost my father (although a horrid thing to happen to any child) , but this boy had been kidnapped, beaten and had to witness his own best friend's death. It was so awful it even brought me to tears.
"I escaped when one of the three men had shot the other and went to hide the body. Somehow I made my way back, but I can't remember anything but blinding pain. When my mom rushed me to the hospital they told me that I had a dislocated shoulder and a few broken ribs. "
I wiped away the tears that we're flowing down his cheeks.

He probably didn't realise he was crying, because he shoved my hands away at the touch and wiped the tears away as fast as he could.
"It's okay to cry Ash. "

He ignored me and said, "After that my parents tried to send me to therapy, but I refused. I was extremely calm in the beginning until the denial gave way to anger. At first it was towards the men who killed my best friend, but then I blamed myself for not helping Benji. I just left his body there! The anger slowly turned into guilt and then I was full on depressed. "

I stared at him when I heard those last few words. I can't imagine Astrid- the guy who doesn't care what people think of him, the guy who never seems to stop smiling and the guy who annoys the crap out of me for fun- as someone in such a deep, dark place.

He lifted his shirt to show a thin, long scar on his left ribcage.
"It ultimately led to me trying to commit suicide at the age of twelve. "
Said Astrid with a bitter laugh.
His face grew hard and his eyes looked almost black as he stared into the distance. At that moment I realised that even after three and a half years I still don't know Astrid Highland.

I only know the parts that he wants me to know. Looks like we both have the same coping mechanisms. Putting up walls.

"Like you probably guessed I wanted to kill myself with a knife, because in my twelve year old mind hanging yourself is too much of an anti-climax. I'm actually glad I went for the knife. If Orah hadn't found me in time and if I had enough courage to drive the knife further then my ribs I wouldn't be here today."

He pulled me up from the floor and made me sit on the bed next to me. He was still holding my hands and I felt slight headed. What is wrong with me!?
"I could never be scared of you, Melanie."
I arched my eyebrow and he chuckled at me.
"Okay, I'll always be scared of you, but not for that reason. I just don't trust myself with knives and well... You probably get it. "
"I do. " I whispered and gave him an encouraging smile.

I was replaying everything that happened over and over when I was lying in bed that night. I wanted to help him I really do, but I have no idea what to do! I pondered over the thought until it was almost one. The perfect idea popped into my head just as I was drifting away.

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