FFN 16: Telling your secrets are always harder then keeping them

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Chapter 6: Telling your secrets are always harder then keeping them

When I woke up I was in the hospital. White sheets, white walls, white bed and white gown. Everything in the room was a shade of ivory like you'd see in those futuristic movies. There were four people in the room whispering, but I couldn't see them. In fact I couldn't see anything. It was all a blur without my glasses.
"I've always liked the colour white it made me think of angels. " I croaked.
My throat was dry making my voice sound deep and unfamiliar even to myself.
Suddenly the four people walk over to me.

"She's awake, Lenn." whispered mom moving towards my bed.
I almost didn't recognise her voice due to the fact that it sounded as if I was trapped under water.
"Oh thank goodness you're okay. " said a voice just as I drifted away back to the world of gloomy silence and dreamless sleep.

When I woke up again there were only two people in the room.
I tried to speak, but all that came out was an almost inaudible squeak.
"Let me help you sweetheart. " said a voice I recognised as uncle Lennon's.
The next moment I felt ice cold water go down my dry throat.
I tried to focus on his face to see his features, but all I could see was a half visible picture blurred by my poor sight.
His face cracked into a smile and he took my glasses off the table, that I didn't even notice was there, to put on my face.

As everything came into focus I could see that it Ron and his dad with me in the room.
"What happened? " I asked Ron when he came closer to the bed.
"Well Astrid's said that some guy tried to rape you and before he could try to help you, you kind of... " his voice trailed off and I knew why.
"Oh no, urgh why? " I whined trying to sit upright but falling back down to the cushion when the room started spinning.
"Yeah, I think you kind of freaked him out with the dagger and all. "
I sighed heavily when all the memories of last night came back.

"So where is Astrid? " I asked.
Ron helped me up, rearranged the cushions so I can sit upright and said, "He's out now. Well after Orah and mom forced him to go get lunch with them. You know he thinks it's his fault for leaving you alone in the parking lot, right? He hasn't slept in his own bed ever since you collapsed, which means he was over nighting in the hospital for five days. "
Have I been sleeping for five days? How was that even possible.
"I don't wanna tell him... " I said weakly.
"You're going to have to, honey. " said Uncle Lennon.
Even though I don't like to call him my dad his advice sure means a lot to me.

I heard the door open and then footsteps and whispering followed.
"You're awake! Oh thank goodness you're awake. " whispered a familiar voice I didn't want to hear at that moment.
I shut my eyes and kept them closed tight in hope that he'd think I was sleeping.

"Mel, I know you're faking. " said Astrid taking a seat next to Ron on the end of my bed.
I opened my eyes and gave him a awkward smile.
"Hey there, partner. " I said, which got me a chuckle from him.
"We'll just leave you two alone. Come on Ron. " said Orah.

She bent down, kissed my forehead and walked out the door with Ron and Uncle Lennon behind her. "So... How was your day? " I asked trying to make conversation which was kind of hard to do without saying something awkward.
"Um... It was okay. I think? " said Astrid.
"Yeah this is clearly not working." I mumbled to myself.

"What you saw that night... I can explain everything. " I started.
"The thing is that there's something about me that you and Orah never knew. I actually hoped that you guys wouldn't ever find out about it, but I guess that it's unavoidable."
Astrid looked at me patiently waiting for me to get to the point, but for some reason I couldn't get myself to form the words.

"If you're not comfortable telling me it's fine."
I smiled at him. Even though he annoyed me like it was his job he was a truly caring and sweet person when he needs to be.
"No I need to do this sooner or later and I guess this is the perfect time."
I cleared my throat and began my story.
"When I was five kids started bullying me. It wasn't just the regular primary teasing it was a lot more physical. And considering that I was only five and built like a fairy it was nearly impossible to fight back. At first I didn't tell my parents, but when I did my dad taught me... A few things. " that's if you consider hand to hand combat, archery, self defence and fighting with a dagger a few things.

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