FFN 20: Nine teenagers and one house

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Chapter 10: Nine teenagers and one house

Just a warning this chapter contains a lot of POV changes. So sorry if it bothers you. Kay thanks for understanding.

Melanie's POV

I stared at the screen of my phone in shock.
Dear Melanie
I've texted you for a month now, but I've known you for quiet some time. I just wanted to come clean and tell you that I might be in love with you.
Yours always

To be honest this is a first time that a guy actually tells me that he likes me and I...
"What are you doing staring at your phone?! It's vacation for Fondues sake! Put. It. Down. " shrieked Orah.
I just stared at her opening and closing my mouth like a damn fish.
She looked at me worriedly and went for my phone.
"Who are you texting so constantly Mel. "

She grabbed my phone but I held it tighter. We struggled for it. And somehow we ended up in the bathroom. She tried to pull my arm down and I tried to pull it away. When she lost her grip my arm shot back with a strong force and I lost the grip on my phone.

It crashed against the wall into little pieces and then fell into the bath that I made for myself.
"Orah! I'm going to fucking kill you! " I shrieked while chasing her down the stairs and through the house.

Because I'm so uncoordinated when I'm angry I bumped into Astrid.
"Whoa there Osain. Where are you running off to the Olympics?" joked Astrid's holding my shoulders and with it making it impossible to move past him.

"I'm trying to kill you're sister. So move! " said trying to get past him but he wouldn't let me go.
He wrapped his hands around my waist so that I couldn't get away at all.

"First I need to know a few things. Why do you want to kill my sister? " he said with a smirk.
I hate the fact that my face feels as warm as the sun right now and he knew it because he took a step forward, pushing me into the wall. I'm not up for my messed up hormones today.

"Astrid I don't have time for this, okay?" I hissed trying to push him away.
I could feel my cheeks heating up even more and it would be an understatement to say that I'm struggling to not kiss him right now. The fact that he was so close that my nose literally touched his chest didn't help either.

"Oh come on just tell me. " he said taking a step even closer and I felt his hands on the small of my back.
"I- I'm not going to tell you... Anything. " I stuttered as my breath hitched in my throat.

He bent down and whispered in my ear, "Well tell me when you want to talk. "

Orah's POV

"Carter can you please hide me from Melanie. I accidently broke her phone and I have a feeling that she's going to murder me today. " I begged.
Carter just chuckled and stood up.
"Come on, I know the perfect place for you to hide. " he said walking to the door.
We snuck out to the backyard, climbed over the fence and he led me to a deserted piece land close to the house .
"So what do you think? "
I took a look around at the view that was surrounding me. With the sun blinding my eyes I stared at the crystal clear water, the moss covered trees and a little rowboat in the distance.
Even though the sight before me was enticing I couldn't help but look over my shoulder and expect to see Melanie walking to me in a fuming rage.

"Don't worry. Mel won't find us here and no matter how mad she is she'll never be able to hurt any of us... Okay maybe Astrid. " reassured Carter moving closer to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I let my head rest on his shoulder and sighed focusing on the movement of the river.
"So why we're you sitting all alone in the living room? " I asked him trying to change the subject.
His eyes darkened and he looked away. I knew something was wrong the moment I saw him sitting on the couch just staring at the wall.

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