FFN 25: Reconcile my ass-tronaut!

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Chapter 15: Reconcile my ass-tronaut!

"No, let me go! I refuse to be in the same room as that she-devil?!" I protested struggling against Orah's grip while she tries to drag me down the stairs.
"Yes. You. Are This fight has gone on for way t- let go of the damn railing!" grunted Orah trying to pry my hands off the stairs railing.
I don't plan on ever letting go. Let me tell you this, I'd rather cut off each of my limbs one at a time then talk this out with Waverley. I know I'm exaggerating, but this fight has cut me far more then skin deep and I don't want to do something that I'll regret later. And if she says something I can't be responsible for my actions, because that woman knows how to break a good person!
"Over my dead body!" I shrieked tightening my rip around the cream colored wood.
And trust me I meant every word.
"That can be arranged." mumbled Emory under her breathe as she walked in on the scene.
it must've been quite the sight with me practically clawing onto the railing for dear life as Orah is pulling me by my legs.
"Astrid, a little help here!" shouted Emory and grabbed my feet while Orah tries to free my hands from the railing.
I think it's quite unfair to force someone to do something they don't want to. Especially when that one person is up against two, soon to be three, people. What happened to a democratic society and rights? I have a right to choose if I want to go or not, right? I know most of you might be thinking that this might be a bit much, but after everything she said and done yesterday I never want to see her redheaded self ever again!

"What the hell Melanie! Didn't we talked about this? You two need to sort this out." said Astrid as he walked in.
I ignored his words and concentrated on pulling my body closer to the railing, but my arms were quickly getting tired. He ran over to me grabbing me by the waist.
"Let go of the railing Mel." he commanded, but I shook my head defiantly.
"No!" I said in a strangled voice and pulled harder.
"So be it then. Stand back you two." said Astrid sternly.
My two friends quickly got out of the way like the two traitors that they are. Before I could register what he is doing a bout of uncontrollable laughter rushed passed my lips. Instantly I let go of the railing to push away his tickling fingers. Next thing I knew I was thrown over his shoulder and uncomfortably being carried out of the house.

"Put me down, you big jerk!" I shouted at his annoying back.
Don't judge my lame comment. It's hard to think of a hurtful comeback when you're upside down and you're forced to look at someone's butt. I can literally feel all my blood rushing to my head and trust me when i say its not a fun feeling.
" Nah, I don't think I'm going to." said Astrid casually strolling down the path with me struggling on his shoulder.
After a while of hitting him and that not working I gave up. I huffed angrily and crossed my arms over my chest as my forehead rhythmically bumped against his back whilst hanging upside down, of course.

"I don't wanna talk to her." I mumble softly.
"I know you don't, but you guys can't go through life hating each other." said Astrid putting me down on the ground with a sigh.
"Are you going to cooperate now?" he asked as if I was a stubborn little kid.
I glared at his tone, but he quickly sent me a look that made me nod my head. I wasn't in the mood to fight any more. I looked down letting my hair curtain around my face trying to hide the tears.
"Come on, we're almost there." said Astrid taking my hand and walked further leading me through the thick trees.

I sighed and reluctantly followed him, occasionally tripping over branches and in turn cursing the fanned weeds.
"If it wasn't for your apple shampoo I would've thought a sailor was trailing behind me with all your cursing." joked Astrid with his back still turned to me.
I punched him in the back which only made him chuckle more.
"Hey that is unladylike." he said with a fake stern voice.
"Since when has anybody classified me as ladylike." I shot back kicking a stone out of the path.
Unfortunately while trying to kick it I also trip over it which caused Astrid to turn around and laugh at me.
"Oh shut up!" I snapped flicking a branch at him trying to hide my reddening face.
"Dont worry, we're almost there." he chuckled moving a low hanging branch.
I looked down at the path to avoid tripping again. It truly sucks being this clumsy. While trying to avoid tripping I felt something wack me on the crown of my head. The moment I felt the impact my instincts kicked in and I did a round housekick. Unlike what I thought my foot came in contact with Astrid's side instead of some unexpected attacker. With all the force I put in the kick he fell to the side hitting the dry grass with a groan.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I asked worriedly and scurried to help him up.
To be honest I wanted to slap myself for asking such a stupid question. Obviously he's not okay.
"Yeah, I'm fine... I just forgot that you're always on alert." grunted Astrid cradling his hip and biting on his lip.
I felt kind of bad, but serves him right for hitting me with that branch!

"Sorry..." I mumbled sheepishly tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Whatever let's go! We're almost their." said Astrid letting go of his hip and slightly limping through the trees.
Is it just me or is he really annoying right now. How many times are you going to repeat that we're almost there? I shook my head at him and followed behind his limping form. After a while we can to a clearing and no it wasn't one of hose amazing, fantasy looking clearings. It was just a regular clearing with patches of yellow grass growing here and there and hot sultry sun radiating down on a little wooden cabin.
"Ah there it is." said Astrid picking up his pace as I tried to keep up with his long strides.
When he reached the front door he hesitated before he could open it.
"Are you ready for this?" he asked.
I raised my eyebrows at him in a questioning manner. Its not like I havent dealt with Waverley before. I'm not scared of her and why should I be... Should I be?


Okay I'm sorry. I know that chapter sucked, butt I just can't seem to write Melanie and Lya's talk right. it all just feels so cliche and unentertaining, but i will be posting it soon.

Sorry about the long period between updates. Yeah, I actually have no excuse... BUT if I tell you guys that it was my birthday a few days ago would you guys forgive me? Yes, YourMajestyGiggleton is officially sixteen years old ever since the 13th of July! 🙆💓👏🎂🎁🎉 Anyway that's all I wanted to say so...

Hocus Pocus 💫 and the queen is out 👸

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