Chapter Two

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Maya's POV

I am eight years old, but sometimes I feel like I'm much older. Life is strange, and there's rarely any happiness. Every day, I am hurt by them. It's a secret pain I bear, one that I'm not allowed to tell my brothers, Maxy and Masey, about. I am scared they wouldn't believe me, and I am terrified that speaking up would only result in more pain. I am grateful that they even allow me near my brothers; I am convinced that they'd separate us if they became even more cruel.

Our lives have been anything but ordinary. We've never stepped foot outside the house because they tell us it's too dangerous out there. They say there are bad people who want to hurt us, to take us away from here, and the worst part, to keep my brothers and I apart from each other. Their words echo in my mind as they tell us that the safest place for us is inside our home. If you can even call it that. The closest we can get to the outdoors is by peering through the small skylight on the ceiling.

Our so-called guardians claim they're scientists. They've told us that we're special, that the world desires us. But they don't feel like real parents to me. In the books I've read, children are loved, cherished by their parents. I long for that kind of love, but it's something I've never known here.

They've imposed a strict routine on us. We wake up at 6 AM, and one of us has to cook breakfast for all three. We take turns so that no one has to shoulder the responsibility every day. Our 'guardians' never cook for us; we're left to fend for ourselves. Our meals are limited to just two a day, breakfast and dinner. We get very hungry, but we have to bear it.

Our learning time begins at 7:30 AM and lasts until 1:30 PM. During these hours, we're expected to study the textbooks they've given us, working through problems as if we were attending school. We aren't allowed to go to real school. I've read about it in books, and it seems really cool. But we can't. The people outside will hurt us. They'll separate us. I can't be separated from Masey and Maxy, I just can't.

After 2 PM, I'm allowed to spend time with Maxy and Masey. These moments are a break from our torturous lives. These stolen hours offer a glimpse of the bond we share, the unbreakable connection that has sustained us through the years. We become children once again, creating stories and adventures, tales of bravery, heroism, and the love we have for each other. In these moments, we are free from the shadows that hang over us, and our laughter fills the room, a reminder of the happiness we once knew.

But as the hours tick by and our parents' time to return from work nears, our confinement begins once again. Our world turns silent. Dinner offers a small pause from this, a shared meal that we savor. We get a little time together after dinner before we're sent to bed.

In the stillness of the night, I often find myself gazing up at the skylight, longing for a world that's just beyond my reach. I long to touch the world, to feel the breeze on my face, and to experience the warmth of the sun. I yearn for a world where love and freedom are not just distant dreams. The echoes of our innocent adventures and the bond we share remain a promise of brighter days. I hope that one day, the secrets of our lives will be unraveled, and we'll find the love and freedom we've only dreamed of. But then I imagine what life would be like without Masey and Maxy, if the bad people separate us, and I can't bear that feeling. That empty feeling. Even now, when I'm with the two, I still feel like something is missing. Like I'm in an incomplete puzzle, only I've lost the remaining puzzle pieces.

Life in our home is a mystery. It's lonely and scary. I am eight years old, and while I should be embracing the joys of childhood, I am burdened with a secret I'm not allowed to share.

In our home, time is confusing. The days blend together, and it's easy to lose track of time when your world is contained within four walls.

As I think about our life, I often wonder about our 'guardians'. They refer to themselves as scientists, masterminds, geniuses. They say they're our parents, but they are far from the nurturing figures I've seen in the books I've read. In those stories, parents love their children unconditionally, they protect them, and they provide a sense of security. Our guardians, however, are a terrible mystery. Their motives and intentions are hidden, and their coldness is present in every interaction.

Today, my brothers and I have gone through another day of life, waiting for the next one to come. We have just finished dinner with our guardians. The meal was nothing special, just some cold porridge. It is now time for us to retreat to our separate rooms.

After settling into my room, I see my door knob turning. I know it is not Maxy or Masey. It must be time. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for what's about to come.


We hope y'all are enjoying our work so far. There will be a time jump next chapter! See you in two days!

Bryn and Maryam.

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