Chapter Fifteen

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Mason's POV

Before breakfast this morning, Max casually mentioned that Maya has been awake for quite a while, ever since she was jolted awake by a bad dream. He informed me that she's engrossed in this fascinating book he handed to her earlier. He also pointed out that she hasn't spoken a single word about her nightmare, maintaining a complete silence on the subject.

Max is currently in the midst of getting ready to head out for work. His schedule today is quite packed; he's expected to be at work from 11 AM all the way until 10 PM. This long working day is something I'm not quite accustomed to yet. Sure, it's only been three days since we started living with Max, but the house feels oddly empty and lonely without our big brother around. It's striking to think that just five days ago, I was desperately drinking out of a toilet bowl, struggling to survive.

I can't help but wonder about Maya during that bleak period when our guardians failed to show up. What thoughts were running through her mind? When I walked into her room that night, she appeared visibly frightened. But now, Maya is in a safe place, and I am determined to make sure she realizes that. I will not let anyone hurt her ever again.

Maya is sprawled out on our shared bed, her gaze fixed intently on the ceiling. I observe her quietly from the comfort of Max's couch. Max is still preparing himself for the day and will have to depart shortly. Despite the bittersweet feeling, I'm filled with gratitude for his ability to provide and support us.

A few moments pass, and Max is bent over, busily tying his shoelaces. This sudden movement seems to break Maya out of her trance-like state. She springs up and dashes towards him, her small arms wrapping tightly around him. "I-I don't w-want you to l-leave, Maxy," she utters in a soft, whimpering voice, her words trembling with emotion.

"I don't want to leave you either, Maya. I do have to go to work so I can bring us food. Mason will be by your side the whole day. You won't be alone." He soothes her.

Maya holds onto him in silence for another minute before she lets go. She then wraps her arms around my torso, even though she's visibly shorter. I wonder how tall I am.

I wrap my arms around her, wanting her to feel loved and secure, two things we never knew most of our lives. Especially during the period we were locked away in those rooms. Maya doesn't deserve to be haunted by the abuse she endured, she doesn't need that. Max shouldn't have been told he was taking the beatings for us, while we were getting beaten. Poor Max didn't deserve that manipulation. Maya and I shouldn't have been separated. The three of us should never have been abused. We should've had a playful time growing up. We didn't deserve the childhood we had.

Max carefully locks the apartment door as he leaves, plunging Maya and me into a blanket of silence. This silence feels peculiar, almost unnerving. One might think that after years spent trapped, isolated with only your thoughts for company, you'd grow accustomed to the absence of noise. But apparently, that's not the case. The quietness, especially seeing it engulf my fear-stricken sister, is deeply unsettling.

I remember coming across a quote once that read, "If you never bleed, you're never gonna grow." I've experienced my share of bleeding, figuratively and literally, at the hands of our so-called guardians. I suppose in some twisted way, that's meant to spur growth.

"I-I'm sleepy," Maya mumbles, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Then sleep," I reply, trying to sound encouraging.

"I-I can't. Wh-what if they c-come back for m-me?" Her words are laced with fear.

"They won't hurt you, Maya. No one can, not while I'm here. And Max, he won't let them hurt you either," I assure her firmly.

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