Chapter Six

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Maya's POV

The door to my room is pushed open. I wonder if it's my time to be punished again. Maybe I'll be fed. But then I realize that it isn't them. It is someone I never thought I'd see again. The person who hates me the most; the person I hate for that. My twin brother.

How did he get in here? What does he want from me? If he hates me so much, why is he here?

"M-Masey?" My voice comes out weak, trembling with a mix of shock and fear.

His face has an emotion I can't recognize. I hope he isn't here to punish me too.

Mason steps inside, closing the door with a decisive click. "Maya, we need to talk," he says, his voice firm, his eyes scanning the room with the same undetectable emotion.

"We d-d-do ne-need to t-talk." My shocked self responds.

I have hardly spoken over the years. Speaking would lead to them belittling me, and why wouldn't Mason do the same thing?

"You speak first, Maya. Tell me what you want to say."

"Why, M-Masey? You le-left m-me. You h-h-ha-hate m-me."

"But I was told you hate me... the guardians told me you never wanted to see me ever again."

"N-n-no! They sa-said th-the s-same to-to m-me."

"Maya, do you hate me because I apparently hate you?" He says, making air quotes around the last two words.


Mason's jaw drops in shock, "I I hated you because I thought you hated me. They-"

"Th-they lied to us Masey... w-what else d-did they l-lie about...?" I trail off as tears start streaming down my face. I thought my twin brother hated me. I thought he despised me... that he didn't care about me. It was all a lie.

"Maya... were you treated right over the years? Did they love you and give you attention? Did they keep you safe?"

I stay quiet, staring at him with wide eyes. Not knowing how to respond.

"Maya, did they... hurt you?"

I swallow hard, unable to form words. I hesitantly nod.

Mason's face fills with an emotion I can barely make out- regret. "They hurt me too, Maya. I thought they were better parents to you. That they didn't lay a hand on you."

I let out a sob. "I th-thought you we-were s-safe. It h-hurts Masey. Everything hu-hurts. E-Especially r-right here, that's w-where it h-hurts the mo-most" I shakily point to my heart.

Mason's eyes water up, "No. This can't be happening..." Tears roll down his asscheeks, "No... not my baby sister. My little Honeybee. Can... can I hug you?"

I nod tearfully, missing being able to have physical contact with my siblings, and not being punished for it. Mason sits next to me, and pulls me into the most comforting hug I have experienced in years. I wrap my arms around him tightly.

We both shed tears while in each other's embrace. I try not to wince from the pain of my last punishment, but he notices and pulls away quickly.

"Are you okay?" We both ask at the same time, though I ask with a stutter.

"I want to beat them up." Mason says, digging his fingernails into his palms.

"I w-want you an-and M-Maxy b-back. My b-body hu-hurts." I whimper.

"Mine too. Maya, have you seen Max lately?


"Crap. There was another room with an open door down the hall." He rubs his face with his hands, sighing.

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