Chapter Twenty Five

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Maya's POV

So many people on the video call. Who are they? They all look alike. A couple of them look like Max? Wow, I didn't know cousins could look like twins. The difference between Max and some of these men? They're strong-looking. They could knock me out quickly. They're intimidating. These are our cousins?

The guy who says he's Angelo announces he's going to have everyone introduce themselves to us, one by one.

"Alessandro. 23," the first one says. He has a commanding presence, his face serious yet warm. His voice is deep and resonant, and he gives us a small, encouraging smile.

"Lorenzo. 21," another chimes in. Lorenzo has a gentle expression, his eyes soft and kind. He seems like the type of person who listens more than he talks, but when he does speak, it's with purpose.

"Nico. 19," follows. Nico looks a bit more reserved, almost shy. His eyes dart around as if he's still processing everything. He has a quiet strength about him, something in his posture that suggests resilience.

"Dante. 19," says another, with a slightly mischievous grin. Dante's energy is infectious, and I can't help but feel a bit more at ease seeing his playful demeanor. He also has a rough edge to him, a certain intensity in his eyes that makes me wary. I can sense he has a lot of pent-up anger, but there's also a protective vibe around him.

"Armando. 24," comes the next introduction. Armando is imposing, with a chiseled jaw and a serious expression. There's a protective aura around him, like he's the one who steps up when things get tough.

"Domenico. 21," speaks up. Domenico shares a striking resemblance with Valentino, who follows him. They both have a confident air, their gazes steady and reassuring.

"Valentino. 21," Valentino says, his voice calm and measured. He nods slightly, as if to confirm his words.

"Angelo. 19," Angelo repeats his own name, flashing a quick smile. He looks eager, maybe a bit nervous, but there's a genuine warmth in his eyes.

"Luca. 17," the youngest says, almost shyly. Luca looks like he's still growing into himself, but there's a determination in his gaze that hints at his inner strength.

Alessandro speaks up, "Well, bambinos, you might be wondering why there are so many of us gathered here. Valentino told Armando who told us about the DNA matches between Max and Valentino and Angelo. Yes, your cousins are Armando and Valentino and Domenico and Angelo and Luca. We're not your cousins," he pauses, "We're your biological brothers."

My heart stops and I freeze. Mason freezes. Max drops his phone onto his lap as he gasps.

"What the hell?!" Mason mumbles, his voice barely audible but filled with shock.

Brothers?! They're offspring too of Linda and John?

Mason grabs the phone from Max's lap, Max still shocked. Mason must've read my mind and said, "Y-you guys are our brothers?! Wh-why have we n-never met you? H-half brothers or full brothers?"

Alessandro replies, "We're your full brothers. The three of you were kidnapped when Mason and Maya were newborns and right before Max's third birthday. All of us were crushed. We have been searching days and months and years on end for you three. We still are, but now we've found you."

Lorenzo cuts in, "We heard you live in Colorado. Do you know if you moved out there? Did you live out there as long as you remember? Who do you live with?"

Max takes the phone back from Mason, and I move closer to my twin, while listening intently. "The three of us live in my apartment. We lived with this couple for years till they kicked us out. Their names were John and Linda."

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