Chapter Twenty Six

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Third Person POV

The plane ride seems to stretch on forever, each minute feeling like an hour. The brothers occasionally exchange glances, offering each other silent support. They are united in their mission, driven by a shared determination to bring their family back together. Each brother is lost in thought even before the plane touches down.

Alessandro sits near the window, his eyes gazing out at the endless horizon. His mind races with thoughts of the upcoming reunion. He is determined to bring his siblings back home, to provide them with the love and security they have been deprived of for so long. His heart aches with the weight of responsibility, but he knows he has to remain strong for his brothers and for Matteo, Marino, and Mariella.

Lorenzo, sitting next to Alessandro, fidgets with his phone, unable to sit still. His emotions are a whirlwind of excitement, anxiety, and anger. The thought of their siblings living in less-than-ideal conditions infuriates him. He can't comprehend how anyone could have treated them so poorly. He is ready to take action, to ensure they are never hurt again.

Dante, who rarely shows his emotions, is unusually quiet. He sits with his arms crossed, his jaw clenched. Inside, he is seething. The idea of anyone harming his siblings fills him with rage. He knows he has to control his temper, to be patient and gentle with them. But it is a struggle. He glances around the cabin, his mind running through scenarios of what they might find in Denver.

Nico and Dante, the twins, are deep in conversation, their voices hushed. They are trying to prepare themselves for the emotional reunion. Nico, with his quiet and introspective nature, is worried about how their siblings will react. Will they be scared? Angry? Confused? He hopes they can build a bond, despite the years of separation. Dante, on the other hand, is determined to protect them, no matter what. He is ready to confront anyone who has wronged them.

As the plane begins its descent into Denver, the brothers feel a renewed sense of purpose. The city comes into view, a sprawling metropolis nestled against the backdrop of the Rocky Mountains. It is a stark contrast to the bustling streets of New York, but it represents hope and a new beginning.

The plane touches down smoothly, and the brothers quickly disembark, their steps purposeful and determined. They gather their bags and make their way to the car waiting for them. Alessandro has arranged everything meticulously, wanting to ensure a smooth and swift journey to Max's apartment.


The drive through Denver is a blur. The brothers are focused, their minds on the impending reunion. The city's skyline gives way to residential neighborhoods, and eventually, they find themselves in front of a modest apartment building.

"This is it," Alessandro says, his voice steady but filled with emotion. They exit the car and make their way to the entrance, the anticipation building with each step.

Max's apartment is on the third floor. The brothers climb the stairs, their hearts pounding in their chests. They reach the door, and Alessandro knocks firmly, his knuckles rapping against the wood.

A moment later, the door opens, revealing Max. His face lights up with a mix of surprise and relief. "You made it," he says, his voice trembling slightly.

The brothers file into the small apartment, their eyes taking in the surroundings. The living room is tiny, with a worn-out couch and a small dining table. The kitchenette is cramped, with just enough space for basic cooking. The bed is pushed against the wall, and a single window lets in a sliver of daylight. There is a palpable sense of effort and care, but it is clear that the apartment is not meant for three teenagers.

Lorenzo's heart sinks as he looks around. "This place is... small," he says, trying to mask his shock. "How have you been managing?"

Max shrugs, a hint of embarrassment in his expression. "It's been tough, but we're getting by. It's not much, but it's home for now."

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