chapter 1

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Wei Ying was woken up as he felt something wet and bites on his neck. He groans as the biting gets harder and deeper to his poor neck that was covered with purple and bite marks. Well, who else will do this to him? No one else but the great Hanguangjun.

He opens his eyes and saw his husband that was now on top of him. He felt a hand that starts traveling his stomach to his chest. Wei Ying sighed to his Husband's possissiveness.

But before anything could happen, he slightly push Lan Zhan away and got himself up. Lan Zhan glared at him, signaling him that he didn't like what Wei Ying did. Wei Ying only gaves him a sweet kiss and smiled at him widely.

"Please don't give me that look, Lan Zhan... You already fucked me for like... I can't count it, you didn't give mercy on me last night so I am begging you to let me have some re-" Wei Ying was cut off as he felt a warm lips on his lips.

Lan Zhan pulled away, "Wei Ying is talking too much. Wei Ying didn't say Good Morning to me."

Wei Ying pouted and cross his arms, "That because you gave me those looks, and is THAT your way to greet your wife a Good Morning?" He then raised a brow.

The other went closer to his wife and kissed those pouty lips, "There is nothing wrong with my actions. Since Wei Ying is married to me, I can do whatever I want. I cam show my love to you in a different ways."

Wei Ying blushed and hug his husband tightly. They stayed like that for a minutea until they pulled away

"Breakfast is ready. Wei Ying needs to eat his breakfast."

While eating, Wei Ying remembered something and was about to ask Lan Zhan but stop himself as he already knew what he will get. Wei Ying thought that the event is important. It's his friend's birthday and his friend hopes to see him on his birthday. But he was afraid that Lan Zhan would say No. But there's nothing wrong on trying, right?

He glance at his husband who was focus eating his foods with his expressionless, as always. He gulped and pray that he will allow him.

"L-lan Zhan... I have something to tell you..."

"Mnm." Lan Zhan and put some foods to Wei Ying's plate.

"I was hoping t-that... you will allow me... v-visit my friend today?" He asked, heart beats fast.

Wei Ying waited for him to answer but Lan Zhan seems like he didn't heard it but he knows that he obviously won't allow him. But there's nothing wrong on trying, right?

"Y-you didn't allow me... visit him last year, a-and... I don't want him to be disappointed in me... You know, it's been a while since we last saw each other and... uhmm, I was hoping that we could catch up today?" He nervously asked, eyes focused on his husband. His palms are sweating.

"D-don't worry! I won't be late... I-if you want, I will be back at 3pm.."

And still got no answers. Wei Ying feel irritated because his husband look like he doesn't care

"Lan Zhan... you can come with me if you want.."

"No talking while eating."

"But Lan Zhan..."

"Wei Yimg, finish your food."

Wei Ying pouted and and try his best not to cry. He is the type of person that cries easily, even it is just a small things.

Wei Ying isn't a cultivator like his Husband and his friends. He felt a little bit jealous about it for not being strong. He is a normal living person who married Lan Zhan.

And about his life now that being with his husband is kinda boring. Oh no, don't get him wrong. He loves his husband so much, that is why he accepted him to be his husband. No regrets.

It was just, Lan Zhan is showing his possessiveness. At first, he thought that it was cute but then when Lan Zhan started making rules and controlling him. He doesn't know why.

Lan Zhan wouldn't even allow him go outside or step outside in Gusu Lan. Won't allow him talks with other, even his elder brother, Lan Xichen. But he didn't care about it... Wei Ying thought that maybe this is just some parts of his loves that he's showing.

Living with Lan Zhan in Cloud recesses really sucks. With the thousand of rules and he hates it the way Lan Zhan always follow it.. well, except for that rule that always sleep early. -(Wuxian blushed) But he couldn't do anything about it, he will do anything for his Lan Zhan.

While washing up the dishes, He felt arms sneak around his waist. Wei Ying startled but smiled. Lan Zhan lean on and sniff his wife's neck that made the other giggles.

They didn't break until Wei Ying finished washing the dishes. He turned to his husband and gave him a peck on his lips. He stared at his face, admiring the beauty in front of him.

Lan Zhan is so different from the Lan Zhan he met when they were 16. Lan Zhan may always put his expressionless stone face to others but it's different when he's with his Wei Ying. Wei Ying could notice that he often show his smiles to him even though it was just a slight smile.

Wei Ying didn't realize himself that he was smiling, but it dropped when he remembered something. He look away that made the dominant confused.

"Lan Zhan... About earlier... I-i still didn't have the answer... I hope you would allow me?" Lan Zhan just stared at him.

They stayed there with Wei Ying started to get nervous, wondering if he made his husband mad at him for asking. He felt his tears on his eyes that was ready to run down to his cheek as he look down, not wanting to meet the other's.

"Ok. Wei Ying is allowed to visit his friend's birthday, but let have some disciples to guard you."

Wei Ying lift up his face in happiness. He hugs his husband tight and wipe his tears.

"Thank you, Lan Zhan! I'll promise, I'll be back here before 3pm!"

"Mnm. Or else, Wei Ying will be punish."

"Hehe..." Wei Ying felt his goosebumps and gave him a sweet smile.

To be continue...

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