chapter 3

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"Okay, A-bo. Just let me be updated." The man just nods and the paper vanished. He sighed and took the black rabbit from the cage and let it free.

His Aunt told him that Wangji loves rabbit so as his wife so he brought one. He look around the garden. Well he had no place to go here so he went here. Wangji and him just met 2 hours ago. Lan Qiren let him walk around the Cloud recesses while they having a meeting for just two of them.

"Let them be." He said but something about his voice sounds like jealousy.

Wangji shrugged his shoulder and look at the rabbits, "Blacks and whites?" He aaid and chuckled. "I didn't know that Lan Qiren allowed his great nephew let some animal be cared here in Cloud recesses just because of his wife?"

He was about to take the white rabbit when he heard aome footsteps. He quickly hide and making sure he is invisible by the helped of his talisman.

He saw a man with white robe entered the garden. His eyes widened as he saw the man's face. 'beautiful'.

The man stayed there for a while and then took the white rabbit. He saw him giggled as play with them. But he stop for a second when the man speak.

"Where could your daddy go? Do you know where he went? Lan Zhan always informed me and tells me if he has to go to somewhere and he always tells me before the day. Why did he disappear? I am his wife so he should inform me... Or maybe, he forgot to tell me about it?"

The man thought, 'He is Wei Wuxian?'

The man smirked. He watched the man who got bitten by the rabbit he brought. He watches him as he was about to leave. He don't want Wangji to introduce his wife to him, so why not make his move?

He appeared and called him, "Wei Wuxian." The white robe man turned his head.

"Lan Zhan?"

The black robe man just stared at him. Wei Ying scan him and notice his hair. His hair has bangs, he didn't saw hairstyles like this before but he looks good at it tho.

Wei Ying thought, 'Maybe Lan Zhan cut his hair? But if he is Lan Zhan then why call me by my real name?' He look at him confused.

The man decides to stare at the beautiful man in front of him, admiring his beauty. So this is Wangji's wife that Auntie had told me about? I didn't expect that Wangji found someone beautiful as this guy.

The man thought that he may be confused, but he don't want to introduce himself, he will take this time and he likes the way this man in front of him staring at him.

"Lan Zhan... I-is that y-you?" He trembled as the man just stared at him. But Wei Ying being Wei Ying, walk towards the man. As he got close, Wei Ying let his hand touches the man's face.

The man widened but let him anyway. Wei Ying was touching his face as if he was checking him? Wei Ying took a step back and look at him with confusion. The man didn't like it. He has a soft hands and he wants to hold it forever.

"Why did you cut your hair?" He asked and tilt his head.

The man was about to introduce himself since he couldn't hold it anymore, when a familiar voice broke the moment in his life with this beautiful man.

"Wei Ying!"

Wei Ying turned his head as he heard someone's calling him.

"Lan Zhan?"

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan was now on his sight. Lan Zhan was breathing trying to catch some air. Wei Ying look at the man and then look at Lan Zhan.

"Lan Zhan..." He whispered and look at the man who was now looking at his Husband.

Lan Zhan walk towards him and held his hand. "What are you doing here?" He asked the man that made Wei Ying more confuse.

The man just smirked, "I was just walking around and ended up here", he said then look at Wei Ying, "I didn't expect that I'll met him before you introduce him to me, Wangji."

Lan Zhan clenched his fist as he saw how the way he look at his wife, but before he knew, Wei Ying pass out on his arms. "Wei Ying!"

"Ohw, Wangji. You've change a lot."

Lan Zhan look at him. His panicking eyes turned into a dangerous glare while his wife in his arms.

"Enough with that, Yibo."

The Man laughs bitterly, "I was surprised to know that you still remember my name." He said looking at Lan Zhan and pain can be seen in his eyes.

Lan Yibo.

Yes, he is a twin of Wangji. They didn't see him for 18 years. They got seperated by their parents. Lan Zhan was sent to his uncle while Lan Yibo was sent to his father's family side.

Wangji made a promise to him that he will visit him in his free time but Lan Qiren was a strict and didn't allow him to go outside. Lan Zhan tried to complain and begged him but his Uncle just shoved him off and tells him to study. Until his Mom died, he started to get his behavior, he tried to forget everything.

He tried to forget his twin because he was losing his beloved family, and t can only hurt him if he continue thinking of them. He started to get his cold expressionless and he lost his interest.

Lan Yibo who trusted Wangji but failed and felt betrayed. For him, Wangji is a liar, only cares about himself, and was content of how his life is living happily while he was there, being force by his strict father to learn more skills and hunting.

He didn't want to do it all. When he received a news that his mother passed away, he locked himself to his room and refuses to eat. Starting from there, he hates Wangji from lying to him ang being selfish. He decides to distract himself to hunting.

He always joined his father to go on hunting and focus on learning some skills. He will forget Wangji as his twin and remove him from his life.

And now that he gets the chance to take his revenge. He will make sure tgat he will break Wangji's life, and he let him feel the pain he had been carrying for years.

Perfect revenge especially he knew that he already had a wife.

To be continue...
Pardon my grammar, typos and spellings. Enjoy and take care!

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