chapter 7

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Lan Yibo decided to walk around the cloud recesses. After catching up with his... Shufu, he had learned a lot about him and his older brother, Lan Xichen. But he was confused that Lan Xichen didn't talk about Wangji's past.

He was listening to every words that came from his Shufu's mouth. About the GusuLan, the rules, the people they had already punished, Lan Xichen's behavior and personality... But he didn't utter or just mention Wangji's name...

Lan Yibo was more curious about Wangji's past. Who wouldn't, right? After all this year, after the long year they haven't seen each other, who wouldn't be?

He was just wanted to know about Wangji... the Wangji after they seperated. But What's the purpose of coming back here, right? They had left him with so much pain. They had made him wait there and being confused and questions that would blow his mind.

They didn't know about how hard his life he got back then and now they had the guts to ask him how's his life? They didn't even ask about the Lan Clan on the other side. About his auntie who gave him hope and his Uncle who had taught him to be strong cultivator.

"GusuLan rules? Fuxk it!"

Lots of rules, thousand of rules that they didn't even welcomed him for his first day visit here because of that urgent meeting. No one had greeted him. They left him there, none of them didn't even accompany him, because of their damn rules that they really had to go to that meeting.

"Just so you wait... I'll make you apologize, Wangji."

Lan Yibo ended up being in the water falls. He didn't expect that they will have this such a beautiful place to stay. It was a bit far away but it is just inside the cloud recesses.

This place is quiet. Not gonna bleed your ears but the singing birds and sound of water falls were the music. How come it is quiet here and it looks like people haven't come here to visit this such a beautiful place.

Lan Yibo sat on a big rock facing the water falls. He misses the Wang clan. He misses his friends and especially his Auntie. He will miss the taste of the very delicious foods that his Auntie used to cook for him, the Lotus pork rib soup. How can he find that food here in Gusu? The Lans were just so strict about foods too.

He stayed there for a while, admiring the view. He loves this moment cause he is alone but that is just his thought when someone spoke behind him that made him flinched.


He immediately sat up and look at the person. And he never expect to met again this beautiful young man who's now smiling widely to him.

"I didn't expect to see you here..." Wei Ying pauses at the thought of what he will call him, "...La..Lan... Y-Yi—"

"Call me, Yibo, A-Xian." Lan Yibo said with a smirk. He again stick with his playboy or flirty side.

Wei Ying blushed. This man right here are actually look like Lan Zhan. If it weren't just his style of his hair and black robe, people here will be mistakenly calling him Hanguangjun.

And why did he blush? Well, he never see his husband smirk like this and it's actually kinda sexy and hot... And it's kinda disappointed for him too.. If only if Lan Zhan would stop wearing his stone face, Lan Zhan would be the first one person to show him smirk and not his twin...

"Why are you here, by the way? I thought no one would come visit this such a beautiful place." Lan Yibo said taking a step to Wei Ying.

'whoa,, I have realized that they also have the same height...' Wei Ying thought.

"Well... As you can see, I've been here for a years now... And I'll tell you, your twin is just... You know, possessiveness always comes and he wants me to stay here and only here. So life is a little bit boring whenever Lan Zhan goes hunting so I always come here for peace. And yeah, No one really visit here because of their own jobs you know?"

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