chapter 5

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Lan Zhan watches his wife who was now avoiding him. It's been three hours since Wei Ying avoided him. Well, he can't blame him though, Lan Zhan was at his fault. But why avoid him? And he even broke the rules, the rules not to talk back or you know, Lan Zhan likes to be the one controlling him and not him begging him for attention.

Lan Zhan didn't like how his wife is acting right now. He too didn't even know about his twin brother visit, and they didn't get a single message from him 18 years ago. Lan Zhan thought his twin didn't forget about him and live his life happy without him.

Kinda felt hurt whenever that word "forget" come to his mind. But se that aside, he decides to maybe this is the chance to catch up with his twin. He misses him so much that he wanted to jump on him when he saw him earlier, but yeah you still have to follow the rules of Lan.

"Wei Ying, stop avoiding me." He said with a low voice. He was sat in their bed while Wei Ying sat at the corner clearly making distance between them.

He shook his head and control his anger. "Wei Ying, stop. You know what punishment you will get when you upset me." With that word, his wife finally turned his head to him. Shock Lan Zhan when he saw his wife with furrowed brow.

Well, because of the rules they made for them as husband and wife, this is the very first time that Wei Ying gave him this look and obviously Lan Zhan didn't like it.

"Why you didn't tell me?" Wei Ying asked

The white robe man sighed, "You have to understand, Wei Ying. We didn't see him for 18 years and I thought I was forgotten..." He paused, his chest tightened but stayed with his emotionless expression.

"...And...I did the same. It's hard but it's hurting me when I think of it. It takes years..." Then a pain on his face can be seen that made Wei Ying soften. His heart felt like they were going to break into pieces seeing his Husband hurt.

With a heavy sigh, he went to his husband and sat beside him. Lan Zhan wasn't looking at him right now and he felt regretful. Wei Ying caressed his cheek that made the other look at him.

He smiled softly telling his husband that everything will be okay but deep inside he felt pity. But he won't dare show him that or else... You know what will happen. Lan Zhan isn't the type of person that ignore the feeling pity from others and he doesn't like that.

"I'm sorry... My mistake for not knowing your reason. I'm so sorry..." Wei Ying apologize, and gave him a hug. Lan Zhan sighed heavily sniffing his wife's neck.

Just being with his wife makes him forgot everything. The scent of his wife's neck turned him on. He started traveling his hands to his wife's waist.

Wei Ying pulled away and look at his husband in nervousness. Lan Zhan furrowed at him and cup his wife's cheeks. "Wei Ying is beautiful." He said that made Wei Ying blushed. And with that he kissed him passionate.

Wei Ying opened his mouth for entrance and Lan Zhan entered his tongue to Wei Ying's mouth. The taste of cherry made him wanted to eat him up. He couldn't control himself and started kissing his wife roughly.

Their tongues was like a swords fighting inside its kingdom. Wei Ying melt at the kiss that he held Lan Zhan's shoulder for support. Then Lan Zhan pulled away as Wei Ying tap his shoulder for air. Lan Zhan went to his neck and painting it with red marks.

And yeah, they ended up making love. As always, Lan Zhan who's being Lan Wangji, who always follow the rules for them Husbands, didn't show mercy and showing his dominant and possessiveness. Moans and slapping can be heard from their room if Lan Zhan didn't put any silencing talisman.

Wei Ying was laying on top of Lan Zhan, both were naked. Wei Ying loves the moment as arms was wrap around his waist tight. But the feeling fades as he remembered his twin. He was curious and yet worried for his husband.

"Lan Zhan..." He called.


"May I ask you?"


"Now is that... Your twin brother is here... What will you do next?" Wei Ying asked and kinda nervous at thought that his husband might get mad for asking him that.

He didn't get the answer. The room was filled in silent. Wei Ying thought that he shouldn't have asked that, maybe Lan Zhan was just not ready to talk about it. But what's the point of being a wife?I mean, Well, a wife should know everything about his husband and so do Husband. Wei Ying shared his secrets and past and everything to him, and it's kinda unfair if... you know. Wei Ying waited for him to answer but Lan Zhan didn't spoke up.

Wei Ying thought maybe he fell asleep. He was about to look up when Lan Zhan spoke.

"...I'll spend time with him." He then put the blanket over his Wei Ying's head. "Let's sleep." He said placing his palm to Wei Ying's head.

Wei Ying mumbled under the blanket, "How long did we fucked? It's not even 9Pm..." He pouted, but he was just changing the topic. Lan Zhan really looks like he was sad, and  he doesn't want to talk about it?

"Wei Ying, It's already midnight."

Wei Ying widened, "Midnight?!" Well, why wonder though, he is used to it now. Lan Zhan really never stop fucking him even if he falls asleep, he will fuck him until he can't cum anymore.

Lan Zhan is about to sleep when he remembered his Twin looking at his wife in different way. He clenched his fist. Tomorrow will surely be the hell for him. This is GusuLan and they will met and met at any time. At the behaviour of his twin, he will be too much friendly to his wife and of course Wei Ying will be appreciated it and will be friends with him.

He's too afraid if the two will get close. Well, they can't avoid him, and moving to another place is suck too, his uncle will be disappointed and will punish him. And another thing is that it will be rude and it's his twin and he decided to spend time with him. But Even though he is his twin, he doesnt trust him.

To be continue...

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