chapter 4

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"May I talk to Yibo?" Lan Xichen asked, wearing his friendly smile to Yibo. Yibo shrugged his shoulders letting the other know the answer.

Lan Xichen took a deep breath of his behavior. But couldn't blame him though, he thought. He misses him so much and he wants to understand how his life lives. It may have their Lan surname but he was used to live with Wang Clan which is opposite behavior to Lan Clan.

As he know, Wang clan its disciples very well trained. There were also some cultivators that gotin the highest rank top list. They taught them so well, but its rules different from Lan clan.

He expected that Yibo is a great and good cultivator too. He thought the twins can get along easily.

"May I know what else happened earlier before Wangji came in?" He asked, his voice is gentle.

Yibo crossed his arms and look at the sleeping sleeping Wei Ying with Wangji sitting in his side, holding his hands as if he was sick. He secretly rolled his eyes and answer the question.

"Well, I don't know. But he may be shocked after seeing us." Said Yibo. Lan Xichen nods and look away.

He also think about his behavior. He Imagine that behavior on his younger brother. He shook his head, not suit, he thought. This will be going to be hard for them to teach him the rules, Knowing that he will be staying here in GusuLan for six months.

Well, he was shock at the sudden visit from him after 18 years. He doesn't know why but he is great to see him again.

Lan Zhan felt Wei Ying's hand move. He immediately look at him. Wei Ying slowly opened his eyes to look around and saw his husband.

"Lan Zhan... What happened?"

"Nothing bad happened, you just passed out." Lan Yibo replied, leaning against the door with cross arms. Lan Zhan sigh in annoyance.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying sat up and look a them in a serious. Lan Zhan knew it so he sat down beside him and took a glance at his twin brother and his elder brother who gave him a nod.

"He's my twin, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying eyes widen, "What?! How come you didn't tell me?!"

"Wei-gongzi, my apologies for Wangji's behalf. We thought we will never see him again. We got seperated by our parents for some reason 18 years ago."

"18 years?! So... S-so that means.."

"Mnm. Never see him for 18 years. We are very surprised to see him visit here so sudden. But we are happy to see him again." Lan Xichen said smiling at Lan Yibo who shrugged his shoulders and look away.

The room was silent.

Lan Zhan sighed. He still is awkward to his twin brother. He was guilty and felt ashamed for because of his promises he broke. But he was nervous because of the sudden visit. His behavior changed, but he will be expecting that he has a good skills.

But he wonders what might the reason he visita them and stay here for months. He was happy and he welcomed him but something about him that he was feeling nervous.

And he doesn't know why but earlier at the garden, he felt anger towards him cause how he was looking at his wife. Yes, his wife is beautiful like a woman but he don't need to look at him that way knowing that he has already a partner.

His twin mentioned that earlier at his Uncle's meeting room that he heard about his marriage and about his wife. Telling him that he wants to met him and how he begged him to introduce him to him.

Lan Zhan is willing to introduce him to his wife because he is his twin and he also decides to do anything just to spend time with him. He won't lie, but he misses him so much.

"Then... What is his name?" Wei Ying broke the silence but he didn't look at any of them.

"Lan Yibo." His Husband said.

Wei Ying look at him, "I'm still mad at you, Lan Zhan. I thought we would share secrets and tells about our lifes and past? Sorry for breaking our rules, but I can't accept this, Lan Zhan. I am your wife for pete's sake! We've been married for years!" Said he, he stoop up and walk out from the room, passing the twin who's face shows concerned.

Lan Zhan called him but his wife didn't listen. He sighed. Lan Xichen walk towards him and put his palm on his lil brother's shoulder.

"Don't worry, He needs time and he was shock. Don't be mad at him for breaking your rules, or else it could only make things worse." He then left the room but before he left, he told Yibo to come with him.

"Come, Yibo. I'll show you around the cloud recesses." Lan Xichen said with a welcoming voice as he look at him softly

Yibo nods his head, showing his smile and follow his elder brother behind leaving Lan Zhan.

While his elder brother showing him around and making conversation with him, to be honest, he didn't payed attention to the surroundings as he already passed here and there when he gave them private time with their uncle.

Actually, he felt a little hurt after knowing that his twin didn't even utter a word pr his name to his wife which made him a lil bit upset. But he brushed it off. He needs to focus on what he just started and stick to the plan of never show mercy to them.

To be continue...

I heard a news about the internet will be banished for a weeks or mnths bcs of the solar Superstorm idk if it's true but everyone pls keep safe!

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