chapter 15

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Wei Ying was roaming around the cloud recesses. He prefer going around alone than be with Jiang Cheng who always smack his head whenever he founds him stupid. Everything on Wei Ying is stupid according to Jiang Cheng. Or if not, Wei Ying doesn't want to bother Jiang Cheng with Lan Xichen. Jiang Cheng is old enough and so he need to have someone to take care of him.

Lan Zhan was busy after they have lunch. It is a part of his job to write important letters since he have this pretty handwriting than Xichen. He made sure to tell Lan Zhan where he was going because rules is rules and he knows his Husband very well.

While roaming and admiring each nature he founds, he spotted one familiar person wearing a black robe. Wei Ying smirked and was about to step to surprised him but stopped himself.

Not far away, seems like Yibo is talking to no one but he sees him using a talisman. He's confused and doesn't want to bother because with the face of Yibo, seems it is important matter. He slowly step backwards to escape the area but he steps on something that made a crack sounds.

He sees Lan Yibo looked a his direction with a surprised, his eys widen and he hids his talisman that made the other confused.

"Oh.. I'm sorry that I bothe—" Wei Ying's words cut by Yibo.

"How long have you been here?"

"Ahh... Just a minute ago I think? B-but don't worry! I didn't hear anything!" Wei Ying said waving both of his hands to Yibo.

Yibo did only looked at him and didn't say anything which made Wei Ying to feeo uncomfortable with the gaze. But kinda confusing too as why does Yibo look like he's scared? Did he almost had a heart attack?

"I-I... I also.. uhm, was about to walk away but then this little idiot cracked soo... Yeah." He laughed awkwardly and scratch the back of his neck.

"Oh.... If that so. Why are you here?"

"Shifu had Lan Zhan to accompany him so he's busy so I just happen to walk around since I'm bored and I saw you here. Heh.. sorry for disturbing you... I'll get going." Wei Ying quickly take a step but Yibo called him.

"Wait! Mind if I join you? I don't really have stuff to do."

Wuxian think about Lan Zhan at first but... He can't just refuse and he doesn't want to feel bad. "Uhh, sure." He said with a smile and Yibo walks towards him.

"Where you want to go?"

"Water falls."


The sounds of gushing water from the big rock can on be heard. Birds chirping is a music for their ears as Yibo gave more attention to this. They sat on a cottage and Wei Ying was observing Yibo who closes his eyes.

The atmosphere between them is quiet. Silence between them but not awkward yet not so comfortable.

Wei Ying cleared his throat, "Uh.. Yibo-ge." He called which he received only a hummed.

"Can I ask something?" He asked then again the other hummed eyes still closed.

"How did you manage to visit here?"

Yibo opened his eyes at the question. He look at Wei Wuxian who was looking at him curiosity can be seen in his face, waiting for him to answer. He tried to act normal and sat straight. "What do you mean, A-Xian?" He asked.

"It's just that for me it's surprising or it leads me to curiosity whenever I overthink it. When I met you and especially that you are Lan Zhan's twin and seperated for 18 years... I waited for you and Lan Zhan to do something."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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