chapter 6

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Next morning, Lan Zhan was the one who woke up first. As always. He went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for them. He still have a lot of things to do, his Uncle told him to bring the disciples to City to teach them some new skills and also to do hunting. Even though he doesn't want to go, he can't disobey him.

Just thinking of what might happen between his wife and twin if he's not there. He really knows that Wei Ying and Yibo have the same energy but he's more worried because Wei Ying is actually a friendly and doesn't think about the person's personality.

He was afraid, Wei Ying might break their rules. But ain't no way Lan Zhan gonna take that in, he will surely punish his wife. Like you know, Wei Ying is old enough to understand things, to know what is good and what is bad, so Lan Zhan hopes he won't upset him today.

After some minutes, the breakfast is cooked. Lan Zhan prepared the food on the table. He then went to his wife who was sleeping peacefully. He sat and watches his wife.

"Beautiful." He uttered. He then placed a kiss in his wife's forehead.

He then gently shook his shoulder to wake him up, calling his name. Lan Zhan knows that Wei Ying won't wake up so he leaned closer and kiss his pouty lips. He made his way to his mouth and met his tongue. Kissing him passionate until he heard a moan.

Wei Ying slowly opened his eyes to see his Husband. He pouted, "Lan Zhan... It's too early..." He whispered, eyes half-open. Obviously he was exhausted from last night. His back is in pain too.

"Wei Ying... It's 7:30 AM. Wei Ying needs to get up."

"But my back hurts!" He whined that made the other shook his head

Lan Zhan without any hesitation, pick his wife in a bridal style. Wei Ying widened at the sudden action.

"Lan Zhan! I'm naked! Do you want me to eat while I'm naked?" He pouted, but Lan Zhan ignored it and make his way to the kitchen where their food is prepared. Well, Wei Ying is with his blanket that was just revealing his upper body so Lan Zhan didn't say anything.

He put his wife in a chair and cover his upper body with the blanket. After that he made his way to his chair and sat. They start digging in, with Wei Ying who always fill the room in talking nonstop.

The black robe man woke up as early what Gusu Lan always do and as what Uncle Qiren told him to. Lan Qiren wants him to join them for breakfast. It's not like he has a choice, and he also wants to know about Lan Qiren or should say his Uncle.

Lan Yibo was familiar with the GusuLan rules so he won't be wondering why they always have the same behavior. Except for that Lan Zhan's wife, Wei Wuxian.

He smiled as he remember the beautiful young man he met yesterday. He wants to be close to him. And yeah, He already knows about his twin's dislikes but there's nothing wrong of be friend with his wife ya know? Lan Zhan is just being possessive.

"Argh! Come on! I'm here now. Don't tell me you gonna take your possessiveness over you twin's happiness?" He laughed bitterly.

Just thinking of it makes him hurt. But he brushed it off. Why thinking of it? He was the one who forgot him. Broke their promises. And this is the chance that he will make him feel the pain.

"I'll never forgive you, Lan Wangji."

"Yibo, please don't be shy. Feel at home." Lan Qiren said after seeing this young man who eat slowly. like very slowly.

Lan Yibo look at him then gave him a smile.

"A-Yibo, how was your first night here? I hope you sleep just fine." Lan Xichen said with a soft smile on his face. He was too excited to get to know his brother and spend time with time. He won't waste this time.

"Ah... It was great! Though a lil bit uncomfortable but it was fine as soon as I slept. It's just that there's difference between our clan and yours." Lan Yibo said.

Lan Qiren cleared his throat, "So... I was surprised to your sudden visit, Yibo. But I was happy that you and Wangji had finally met again. I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to talk to you or welcomed you properly yesterday because of the urgent meeting. I hope you'll accept it." He then grab something from his pocket. It was small box and he gave it to Lan Yibo.

Lan Yibo look at him and Lan Xichen who just gave him a nod and smile. He then accept it and look at it. He opened the small box and it revealed a bracelet with shining cristals on it that is colored with white and blue.

Lan Yibo hid his smile, because he can't lie... The bracelet is so stunning. It is beautiful shining in his golden eyes. Never in his life had received something like this beautiful in sight before.

"Thank you for the welcoming gift... Master." Lan Yibo bowed at him.

"No need to be formal, Yibo. Call me Shufu. And you're always welcome."

The three continue eating their breakfast and even though Lan Qiren didn't like talking while eating, he too is so happy just like Lan Xichen, they would spend time with him and catch up things.

"Shufu... May I know where's Wangji? I haven't seen him since earlier." Lan Yibo asked.

"Ohh. I forgot to tell you. I have sent Wangji to the City with Lan Disciples so early in the morning. I'd told him to teach them some new skills and do hunting." Lan Qiren answered.

Lan Yibo left a bit shocked. Why would he sent his nephew so early without having a chance to be with them for breakfast? Is he really focus on his disciples lessons than his?

"You might be wondering why Wangji didn't join us for breakfast? Since Wei-gongzi and Wangi got married, he would spent his time with his wife in the early morning before doing his job. Wangji is just so much in love with his wife that he couldn't even live this world without him in his sight every minute."

Lan Yibo nodded. But the thought of being possesive, isn't that good for their relationship? But thinking that his wife might be here so why not have a chance?

"Hm... He loves his wife so much. Wei-gongzi is lucky." He said.

"No... Wangji is the one who is lucky." Lan Qiren said smiling in half. Lan Yibo look at him in confused.

He raised an eyebrow, "Lucky? Why?"

Lan Qiren took a deep sighed, "Well, since you're his twin, I'll tell you. But I won't tell every detail as I want Wangji to be the one to tell you about his past." He then stop walking and face the yard where he saw little Wangji who's crying so loud years ago.

"Wangji was known as the most talented cultivator in this cultivation World. He always got the high ranked as many people admired him and a lot of cultivators has their fear on him. But Wangji as you know, he always put his stoic expressionless face that people were scared of approaching him, especially that he was the second young master of GusuLan... And as you know, we have made such a lot of rules and Wangji didn't even break one of the rules yet.

Wangji was my best student before and until now. He always got the highest grade and other cultivators didn't even got into the half. Wangji always spend his time, reading in the library. He would come up if he needs anything and eat. I, too also can't have conversation with him to talk about how's his life but Wangji shows no interest. So I would come up to him if I needed him.

I thought Wangji would continue this behavior but when Wei Wuxian came to GusuLan... Everything about him had changed. Wei Wuxian... That young man change my nephew. He is the one that makes Wangji to smile. He is the one that could calm Wangji whenever he is mad. Wei Wuxian was the first person he love, fell in love, kissed, court, and marry.

Wangji suddenly change his behavior towards us too. He would come to me to talk about things about between them and would beg amd please me whenever Wei Wuxian broke the GusuLan Rules. He would cover him up and let me punish him instead. He knew that in the first day, I despite that kid Wei Wuxian before, Wangji started guiding him and be with him so he won't break the rules. I know Wangji has his fear on me so I know he can't disobey me.

And that is how lucky Wangji for meeting his wife, Wei Wuxian."

To be continue...

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