chapter 9

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The punishment. What would be the punishment? Of course, it has to be sex. Though, there's called 'everyday means everyday', there's still difference in sex. Whether the dominant one wants to be gentle and soft, or aggressive and full of lust. But don't forget about the anger and jealousy. Those reasons are dangerous.

The Jingshi was filled with screams, groans, sobs, hissing, moans and slaps. Just inside it, their robes was on the floor and their bedroom is locked. There Wei Ying in the bottom, his hands was tied up with Lan Zhan's headband with his red ribbon, too tight that could leave a mark on his wrists.

Wei Ying was layed on his stomach with Lan Zhan who was in top of him. Wei Ying's hair was messy, his neck and chest was covered with a lot of marks made by the dominant, his nipples were swollen, and his back is in pain.

He was crying in pain yet moaning messy because of the pleasure. Lan Zhan has been aggressive as always but this time it can't be described. Lan Zhan was slapping his ass and massaging it while deep thrusting. He never kiss Wei Ying ever since they started the punishment. He will just look at him in the eye with full of jealousy, anger, and lust, watching his wife moans (Wei Ying was hanging his mouth open with his half-close making it look hot and sexy to Wangji's eyes). He also won't leave Wei Ying's nipples as he keep sucking it, biting it, and squeezing it that made the other scream and groan in pain.

Thrusting his length into Wei Ying's hole, so deep and tight, makes him go crazy. He would go thrust more deeper for his satisfaction that he can't be able to hear Wei Ying's begging and sorry.

They've been doing it for past hours. How could he still have energy after lots of rounds?

 How could he still have energy after lots of rounds?

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Lan Yibo decides to go outside Cloud recesses after having a conversation with Lan Qiren. He went to Gusu City and went to a restaurant. He ordered a jar of alcohol and sat in the table.


I really felt pity on Wei Wuxian earlier. How could Lan Wangji hurt him like that without even him explaining it? Oh well, how could Lan Wangji trust him? Nyahaha there, there. Lan Wangji's possessive side. Interesting.

Those beautiful eyes to stare at. How could you ruin that moment Lan Wangji? But forget about that, I wonder what those two doing right now. Pfft! Don't get me wrong, I also knows about the rules of husband and wife. I know the punishment that's why it's a bit a lil regretting why the hell did I just do that.

Processing plans. I gotta work this successful. How could I ruin this chance? Hah.

I have to be honest, it hurts how he said those words to me. It hurts that he didn't trust me like I am his twin, right? I was new! A guest that needs to be take care of! Not only that but his twin. His twin who had not seen him for 18 years! He even used "that man" in me at the meeting room.

Yes I was there cause I was bout to see and have a chat with Xichen but the two made their way and made a drama. Poor Wei Wuxian. No body believes him. How could Lan Qiren took his side to Wangji when he didn't even heard the other's side?

They are following rules, all the rules that they didn't notice they become merciful to innocents.

Lan Qiren had talk to me about their rules. Who the fuck make new rules for married couples? Number one, you don't control your wife! Number two, there's no punishments of that thing because no! Forcing your wife to do that shit? What kind of a rules is that? I wonder if Wangji even let him go outisde, no?

Hah. We still have remaining days, Yibo. Stick to the plan!


Lan Qiren had requested his nephews to have them at lunch.

Though Wei Ying may invited but he can't able to walk because of the punishment and he had been laying on the bed and hadn't able to sat or move because of the pain on his all over his body.

Lan Zhan feds him up with soup wearing his expressionless face. He also cleaned up Wei Ying by rubbing a wet fabric all over his body and changed him up with a new robes. Still They haven't talk with each other, and all Wei Ying can do is to do what Lan Zhan signals him to do.

Now Wei Ying was alone in Jingshi. He can't move his body and he cried silently because of the pain. Though Lan Zhan gave him something to ease the pain but it's just temporary.

"My butt!"

"Now that we are all present here. I wanted to tell you all that... I was glad and I don't know how happy I am to have you my nephews together with me." Lan Qiren said with a smile. He then turned his head to Lan Yibo.

"Yibo, We, again apologize for.. you know... Lan Zhan has his work yesterday and he didn't get the chance to talk to you because of something came up."

Lan Yibo forced a smile and look at Lan Xichen who is already looking at him and smiled then look at Lan Wangji who was clearly showing no interest at all.

"Wangji, I may guess, you as a twin, also did misses Yibo a lot. Don't you have anything to say to Yibo?"

The twin look at Yibo who half smirk at him. Lan Qiren since he knows that Wangji isn't really good at words, he had make sure that the twins will have closure.

Wangji on the other side, clenched his fist. He had already made a decision. He thought to forget his anger towards Yibo because what's the point of being mad at him? He is his twin and he will be staying here for 6 months. He should forget about that, set that aside, and be glad that he will have this chance to make it up the things between them.

"I, Lan Wangji, wants to apologize for what I've said to you yesterday. I let my anger eat me and I didn't able to control it. But I want, Lan Yibo, my twin, to know how much I misses him..."

Lan Zhan then lowered his head but Yibo didn't mistakenly notice the smile on his twin's face. Yibo doesn't know why he felt something hit his heart when he saw his twin's smile. Something about him that tells him to hug him or whatever it is he can't figure it out.

Lan Yibo cleared his throat, "I was happy to hear that, my twin. I also understand why you said those to me. I was hoping if we could catch up things and let's treat each other like close brothers, like really really close." He smiled.

Lan Zhan look at him, his face changes. He had this expressionless but you can clearly see his eyes soften a bit. Everyone can notice. Lan Xichen didn't miss the changes, he put a smile, a proud smile, he  was proud for his brother and he was looking forward for their relationship.

"Well, well, I was hoping that you two may have a good relationship."

Then the Lan's continue their lunch and after that, they talked. Lan Zhan was half smiling at Yibo whenever he talks to him while Yibo has his active/energetic side. Lan Xichen being the proud big brother, always keep his eyes on them and cannot stop himself from smiling.

' I'm sure they will have a good relationship '

Pardon me for my wrong grammars, spellings, and typos.
Not really good at writing smut but I'll try writing it like not like just describing it like I just wrote.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you like it!

Stay safe everyone! And advance Happy New Year!!

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