chapter 14

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Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen, and Jiang Cheng were sitting on the table right side opposite to Wei Yng, Lan Wangji and Lan Yibo.

They ate silently. The foods were tasty served by the cooker. It was requested by Lan Xichen to served a food that will hit the taste of Jiang Cheng's foods likes, which made Wei Ying to pout. (i don't really what I'm talking about)

Wei Ying was pouting whenever he sees Jiang Cheng eat the tasty food without even looking at him and ask if he wants some too, but instead Jiang Cheng secretly stucking his tongue to Wei Ying and rolled his eyes.

How come Lan Zhan didn't gave him some food like Jiang Cheng's. These healthy foods, not so tasty, 3% of saltiness, and he almost forgot how it taste.

Lan Qiren cleared his throat breaking the silence atmosphere. Everyone's eye were on him.

"I forgot to inform Lan Xichen about the upcoming event earlier. Since everyone is here, I will announce it. The opening of the lecture class in Cloud Recesses will be in next week. The following days will be the starting of the classes. Jin Clan, Nie Clan, Wen Clan, Jiang Clan and other clans will be our guests. I will have Lan Xichen to sent them an invitation letter later."

Xichen bowed, "Yes, Shifu."

"And Lan Yibo will be our new student. I would like Yibo to learn more about our techniques and more."

Yibo's face lit up, "I would be glad to learn something from yours, Shifu. I can't wait to learn something from you." He bowed respectfully.

"Wangji will be your teacher. He will be the one to teach you those skills and I hope you two will have fun together." Qiren smiled.

Wei Ying pouted even more, he thought, 'Lan Zhan will be surely busy again'. He look at his husband who was eating his food peacefully with an expressionless face. Wei Ying sighed. He just wanted to wish that Lan Zhan will find a friend that could take care of him during his work. Someone that he could talk to.

Well, as he already knows about Lan Yibo will be staying here just for six months, it was just like a temporary because afterall, Lan Yibo have his own fanily or we can say his home that he couldn't just leave it. And Lan Zhan needs a friend to accompany him while Yibo isn't here.

"Who will be coming with you next week, Jiang Wanyin?" Xichen asked.

"Hmm... I guess I can just bring my junior disciples." Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay. I hope to see A-Ling. I'm sure they will be friends with Sizhui and Jinli."

Wei Wuxian lit up after hearing his nephew's name. He smiled brightly and look at the two.

"A-Ling? What about Shijie..."

"Owhoa. Shijie won't be attending the lecture. She has a lot of work to do as the wife of the Leader of Jin Clan." Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. This made Wei Ying to sighed and pout more.

Jiang Cheng didn't miss this and felt guilty and sad at the same time. He look at Wangji who had just drink water and this makes him feel anger towards him. How could he just be so chill and doesn't even care? Doesn't he have mercy on his wife that has been begging to have time with his Family?

"But Shijie will be on the first day which means the opening of the lecture. So you can still have time to spend with her." He said to Wei Ying and secretly smile when he sees the other face lit up.

"Yes! I could finally see Shijie!"

On the other hand, Wangji has been secretly listening to the conversation. He also notices Jiang Cheng's cold stare at him. But he acts as if he doesn't heard them and puts on his stoic face.But he badly want to hug his wife and to apologize. He realized that he's been overprotective.

But he loves his wife more than anything. He doesn't know why they took it as bad treat. He did what must the husband role. He took care of him, and even buys him expensive things. He just wanted to make his wife happy and to feel free because he didn't even want him to do work at home.

What's wrong with his actions? Is he being too hard to his wife?

Unknown POV

"Greetings Sect Leader, we have received a new letter from Wang Bo-Bo." The servant lowered her head and kneeled. She reach her hands to the person in front of her and gave him the letter.

Soon an Old Man whose wearing a long black robe with symbols in it whose around fifty years old smirked. With his long Beard, he plays it and opened the letter. He signaled the servants to get out and he read the message.

He smiled and was proud of his child intelligence. He's been waiting for this to happen. He would never forget about the betrayal, the painfull words they throw to him. Those begging tears and those people who's good for nothing but a traitor.

He clenched his fist remembering those days.

"I wish I never met you. Those memories playing in my heads bothered me. You selfish bastard. You will pay. Better stay with your so called righteousness Clans for now, I will have it destroy." With his low and rusky voice made the other feel the presence of dangers.

"Everything is settled. Clock is ticking. See you soon.




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