chapter 11

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The four was welcomed by a lot of busy people. They were greeted by men and women who were doing their job, telling them how good is their products and how their foods taste.

Smells of delicious foods that could melt you from different restaurants brushing against your noses as if they manipulating you which makes Lan Xichen to not able to decide which Restaurant is the best.

Lan Yibo the other side has been smiling to everyone they passes by. He would flirt to the seller womans to achieve the lower prices which is it helps. The womans would blush and gave in. Since they have known Lan Wangji, they couldn't help but to enjoy this moment. How could they not when almost every woman had their eyes on Lan Wangji but afraid to even get near to him because of coldness Wangji gave to them.

People in the City had already knows about the twins so they were glad that Lan Yibo is opposite to the great Hanguangjun. Yibo couldn't help but to feel like he is the most powerful and should be treated good because of how people treated him like a prince that unexpectedly visited them. But of course he knows, it is because of his twin. They had really have the same looks and he has this playful side and everyone would melt because of it.

While Lan Yibo enjoyed the moment, Lan Xichen can't help but notice his little brother Wangji who is beside him with Wei-gongzi while Yibo is ahead of them. Ever since they got here, Wangji didn't spoke to them or to his twin. He had always watch his wife and ask him if he wants him that and this.

Lan Xichen felt a little bit irritated because of his behavior. They were supposed to be spend their time bonding brothers. It's not like he doesn't want Wei-gongzi with them, he just didn't like Wangji's behaviour right now.

He turned his head to Wangji and smile, "Wangji, Uncle had told us to bring Yibo to thw City why and enjoy this day with him. Why don't you join him so you two would have your time twins? I'll be with Wei-gongzi." With a gentle and soft voice he used, Wangji stop for a moment as if he was thinking and then looked at him after.

"Okay. But please take care of Wei Ying, Big Brother."

Xichen didn't expect that he would trust him to be with his wife. But he hesitate and nodded.

"Mnm. I'll have eye on him." Then Wangji turned to his wife.

"I'll be joining my twin over there. You stay with Big Brother, got it?" And Wei Wuxian nods his head. Wangji left and went to his twin, leaving the two.

"Zewu-jun... How did you make him listen to you? This is very new to me! You know Lan Zhan won't ever let anyone come near me even you, but now he let me stay with you?? Who changed him!"

Xichen chuckles, "Wei-gongzi, I guess we have thought the same. But I guess Yibo changes him or Wangji just wants to take this chance to have their time since Yibo is only staying here for 6 months."

Wei Ying nodded in agreement.

"Come on, Zewu-jun! Let's just follow them behind and we can also look for items that you wanted.. I just want food." Wei Ying giggled. Xichen shook his head and chuckled. And then they went to the twins and follow them unoticed.

Time had passed. Lan Yibo and Lan Wangji just roamed around. They talked about how they used to play that, eat that, how good that food was, everything but they never buy any items or foods. They would just talked about that items and Yibo was always the one who tell what's on his mind to Wangji.

Xichen and Wuxian on the other hand was just enjoying theur surroundings. Wuxian would just come to a shop and look for an item that would make him interest. He would also buy foods for them, but of course Xichen being the kind Xichen always the one who pays the foods. Money isn't really important to him as long as he can make someone who's close to him happy.

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