chapter 12

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They went back to cloud recesses at 5 PM. Wei Ying was so exhausted yet he still manage to walk and put smile on his face. Who wouldn't be? He's been here Cloud Recesses, because Lan Zhan wouldn't allow him go outside.

Lan Zhan brought a lot of fruits, bread, and milk for Wei Ying. One of the rules here is to eat healthy foods so he didn't buy any interesting foods to eat according to Wei Ying. Wei Ying for him, foods are like those spicy foods, tasty foods, not this leafy, and even bitter, doesn't have taste.

Wei Ying even though he's been here for like many years now, he is still couldn't help but hesitate to eat foods here. He badly wants to eat spicy. Lan Zhan knows about this, so he brought fruits for his wife.

Earlier at the Restaurant, Wei Ying was so thankful that Lan Yibo isn't a type of person who eats vegetables, though the twin jades ordered healthy foods, Lan Yibo and Wei Wuxian ordered what they likes.

Lan Xichen and Lan Yibo went to their own room with a bags they are carrying. At the Jingshi, there the married couple was. They are done eating their dinner and went to their room. They are done taking a bath and now Wei Ying is sitting on the bed with his husband behind him, combing his smooth hair.

Wei Ying told Lan Zhan how he enjoyed this day and how happy he was. Lan Zhan would only agree him with an "mnm". And Wei Ying didn't failed to notice this behavior of his husband. Cause everytime he would talk about etc, Lan Zhan would give feedback, a short reply, and even told him his thoughts.

Not the Lan Zhan he met years ago, But this made him confused. What's wrong this time? Isn't he happy that he spends time with his twin today? He would share his thoughts as he always do, whats up with him this time?

"Lan Zhan." He face his husband who stop brushing his hair and look at him in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Wei Ying asked. His husband just started at him and Wei Ying was annoyed because he couldn't read him. What is he thinking? What's wrong? Maybe he's tired? But the bonding today isn't really that exhausting. Night Hunting is more tiring.

He was about to ask question but he was immediately push and was pinned on the bed with his both hands above his head held by the dominant. Lan Zhan didn't give him a chance and entered his tongue inside the other. Wei Ying was left shock as he look at his husband who's looking at him lustily before he captured his lips.

He doesn't know why but what's the point on asking? In addition, They never had sex since the punishment.

Their night was filled with moans, groans, and noises from their bodies. As always, Mercy is not in Lan Zhan's dictionary. He would continue fucking his poor wife until he is satisfied. R.I.P Wei Ying's ass. Rules of sleep before 9 PM has been always ignored.

He don't know why but Lan Zhan seems mad or whatever? As Lan Zhan always pinned him, didn't give him a chance to prepare, gripping his wrist, and grabbing his hair aggressively forcing Wei Ying to face him and to open his eyes while deepening his thrust that looks like he wants to see his wife with that face.

Meanwhile, Yibo was laying in his bed while holding a comb. A comb with crystals in it. It's sparkling that it reminds him of his love. His love of his life who had passed away. Who had left him alone.

It's been five years and yet he still couldn't get over it. She was his first love, first kiss, first person whom he courted, the most beautiful lady he had ever seen, the person who gave him comforts, who truly loves him, who take care of him. How could be life so unfair?

He misses her so much that he wish he could follow her to where she is now. But how? How could he when he was needed the most? He was the trusted person in Wang Clans. Master Wang Pengchi had already expected him to be the next Wang sect Leader and is ready to change his surname to Wang.

People in ROUJO had already started treating him like a young master. Yibo loves all the people living there. They were like a family. A big family. They have known each other and treated each other like a friend. No one is humble.

So how could he not call it his Home? He was raised so well there. He had beautiful memories. It's just that he was unlucky that his love had already left him with just memories. Unexpected event in his life.

Yibo felt pain in his chest as the memories were playing inside his mind. Why does he keep getting hurt? Why does people whom he loves always leave him with pains?

He didn't know what might happen if Master Wang Pengchi leave him and his Auntie who had take care of him like her own son. He will loss hope and follow them. He don't want to be feel alone again.

Tears started forming in his eyes but he controlled it. He's tired from crying. What's the point on crying? It doesn't help. It doesn't bring back the past.

Yibo sat up and took something under his pillow. It's a letter he received days ago from Master Wang Pengchi. He gritted his teeth as he once again read the message. He clenched his fist with so much anger. He felt pity on his Master. How could he do this to him?

Those poor people who called them Righteousness, he felt pity. How could they admire such a heartless people? Well, people would go what their eyes had laid on. What interested them. Poor them.

"This time, I won't let my beloved family be upset, disappointed on me and leave me like a trash. I won't disappoint you Master Wang. Don't worry, I'll take care of this and make you happy and won't regret on trusting me. Soon, we will have our life with no nightmares, we will live pur life with happiness and with no wars. I'll make you forget your past that has been giving you pains. Everything will be fine."

A/N: short chapter, I know. But everything is well planned.
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         Also do you guys want to read more YIZHAN fan-fiction? I can recommend you some if you want! You guys want a Red flag Yibo and poor Xiao Xhan. Or husbands possessiveness or etc.

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