Chapter 1

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The morning sunlight filtered through the lush foliage of trees towering at 20 to 30 meters in the dominant peat forest of Kutai, East Kalimantan. In a rarely trodden path, four individuals dressed in brown uniforms with the Rescue The Wild logo engaged in a serious discussion.

Nanjan, a man with dark brown skin due to sun exposure, stood facing his three team members, making a decision. He turned to the only woman present and said, "Doctor, you and Rambun wait here. Labih and I will go around to search for the orangutans."

The woman assigned to guard their equipment cast a sour look at four backpacks, a transport cage, a blue nylon net, and a medical equipment bag on a blue tarp. Her displeasure was evident on her oval face framed by casually tied shoulder-length black hair with a rubber band.

She then made eye contact with the team leader and protested, "I need at least a tranquilizer gun to protect myself."

"We have a short budget for buying new weapons," Nanjan replied, clutching his tranquilizer gun tighter. "People from headquarters will come to assess our performance later; pray they approve a budget increase for next year."

Angelina silently cursed their stingy leader. If only there were other options, she wouldn't have agreed to venture into this remote wilderness with an unprofessional team and inadequate security.

"I've sent the GPS location here for our guests. So, Doctor, please be friendly. You might be able to use your tranquilizer gun next year," Nanjan cajoled, causing Angelina's expression to sour.

However, the insensitive man ignored her response. He considered the meeting over. by walking away. "Labih, let's go!"

Angelina glared at their retreating backs in annoyance. She hurried to the medical equipment to retrieve the blowgun and measure the tranquilizer dose.

The male pongo—orangutan from Borneo—that attacked the victim when she passed was about 150 centimeters tall, possibly weighing around 50 kilograms. So—


Rambun's stuttering voice disrupted Angelina's concentration. She directed her attention to the youngest member, a recent addition to the team, having been hired by Nanjan just 35 hours ago, because their other team members left for higher-paying jobs as foreign tourist guides in TamanKutai National Park, compared to working for a nonprofit organization relying on donor contributions.

The twenty-year-old nervously gulped as cold sweat dripped down Rambun's face. He stammered, "Is this how you sh-sh-shoot the t-tranquilizer gun? I-I forgot."

Angelina observed her trembling interlocutor with suspicion. Rambun's face belonged more to a recent high school graduate, and as far as she knew, someone with a shooting certificate wouldn't forget how to use a tranquilizer gun.

Angelina placed the empty blowgun aside. She then stood up and approached the person responsible for her safety with a stern expression.

Angelina pushed the tip of the previously erratic weapon upwards, hissing, "Hold it properly. Your earlier handling could have harmed someone else."

Angelina guided Rambun's left hand, placing his palm in the middle of the tranquilizer gun while continuing in an irritated tone.

"Hold it here. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and your body inclined about 40 degrees towards the target when your hand is in the shooting position."

Confusion was evident on Rambun's face as he awkwardly attempted to follow Angelina's instructions, spreading his legs too wide and tilting his body almost at a 90-degree angle. "Like the-this?"

"No!" Angelina yelled with escalating emotions. She stepped back five paces and then placed her hands on her hips to interrogate her conversation partner. "Rambun, have you ever used a tranquilizer gun before?"

"Uh, y-yes, Angel... I mean, Doctor."

The Borneo birds' chirping filled the awkward silence as Angelina imagined throttling the ginger-scented kid who had just called her first name. She was about to snatch the tranquilizer gun from Rambun when the sound of a snapped branch beneath a footstep interrupted her, making her reflexively turn around.

Angelina's heart raced when she saw a figure leaping down from one of the trees. The creature stood 1.5 meters tall, its muscular body covered in tangled reddish-brown fur, and its cheeks had flaps.

A male pongo!

Angelina cautiously stepped backward. Based on her knowledge, orangutans wouldn't actively attack if humans slowly retreated from their territory. Rambun was in a perfect position to shoot; everything should have been fine.

Angelina kept a vigilant gaze on the distinctive Borneo orangutan. She took three steps back before the thunderous sound of the pongo reached her ears.

"A-aa! Orangutan!" Rambun's panicked cry made Angelina turn around abruptly. The young man, who should have been taking the shot, ran frantically, leaving her behind.

"Rambun!" Angelina yelled in frustration. Her face turned pale. Rambun took the only tranquilizer gun, and now she had to face the seemingly unwelcoming creature directly.

It weighs about sixty kilograms.

Angelina quickened her backward steps.

It ages approximately fifteen years

Angelina stopped her observations when the pongo began advancing at an astonishing speed. She screamed hysterically and decided to flee.

Unfortunately, the pongo violently grabbed Angelina's tangled hair, jerking her head backward and making her struggle.

Angelina's eyes teared up, and her breath grew heavy as the pongo pulled harder. She cried out in pain as suddenly she heard a tiger's roar.

The male pongo released her, but its sudden movement bumped Angelina's cheek, making her fall to the soil.

Angelina groaned in pain as she heard the tiger and the orangutan scream in conflict. It took her several minutes for her vision to clear.

She slowly crawled into a sitting position, enduring the pain, ignoring leaves and soil covering her body. A loud thud nearby made Angelina turn her head. Her breath caught when she saw the creature that had just saved her.

A figure standing at 170 centimeters was choking the male pongo using its left arm clad in Sumatran tiger-patterned black and orange camouflage. However, the Asian face, covered by long black bangs, and the black jeans and T-shirt worn by this figure indicated that it was not a tiger.

But the orangutan in its prime was not an easy opponent to conquer. Inyiak, the Tiger Man, groaned in pain as the pongo managed to break free and strike his chest.

Angelina acted swiftly. She blew the blowgun, and the tranquilizer dart shot out, piercing the pongo's skin.

Time passed as Inyiak's grip gradually weakened the male orangutan. Simultaneously, the tranquilizer's effects took their toll. Angelina's heart rate slowed as the pongo's eyes closed as it lost consciousness.

Inyiak lowered his arm, causing the pongo to slump onto the ground. As he did, his yellow eyes gradually darkened. His four fangs receded along with the fur on his back and hands.

Angelina's breath caught as the mute man she had left behind three years ago came to her rescue, his gaze meeting hers as he greeted her.

"Hello, Angel."

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November, 7, 2023

Luna S. Winterheart

Beneath The Tiger Gaze - #3 Genma Corporation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now