Chapter 6

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"Eh?" A forced smile once again adorned Dr. William's round face. The man seemed surprised by Angelina's display of anger.

The chubby man lowered his voice as he spoke. "Doctor, aren't you aware of the patient's condition? We can't simply hand over such crucial data to anyone."

"Yes, but, well, it's the responsibility of the headquarters that handles the patient, and they shouldn't transfer the patient elsewhere," Angelina argued fiercely. "I think it would be better if you took him back—"

A gentle tug on Angelina's pigtail made her heart skip a beat. She even held her breath when the person they were discussing sat down calmly on her right side.

Ramaik had changed into a dark blue T-shirt and matching jeans. His hair looked damp, with a faint scent of soap.

"Change the bandage," Ramaik said, extending his left arm toward the bewildered Angelina.

Angelina's eyes examined the stained and slightly wet bandage for a few seconds before her brow furrowed, and she hissed in annoyance. "You can ask Dr. William to do it."

"It wasn't Dr. William who injured me."

Ramaik's response made Angelina's lips instantly seal shut. However, she still glared at him and stayed put.

They locked eyes until Ramaik broke the silence, "It seems I got infected."


Angelina's face suddenly turned pale. She stood up reflexively and hurried to the sink to wash her hands. She then rummaged through the contents of the emergency medical supplies cabinet in the corner of the room in a panicked state.

Bandages, compresses, sa—

"Dr. Angelina, I think I should talk to Mr. Nanjan about the well-being of the orangutans," said Doctor William.

"Huh? Ok," Angelina replied absentmindedly, even without looking up. She still checked the drawer's contents while biting her lip. Where is the antibiotic ointment? There doesn't seem to be any ibuprofen either.

Several minutes passed before she finally found what she was looking for. Angelina heaved a sigh of relief. She closed the cabinet, then turned around.

"Dr. William, please tell Mr. Nanjan to buy me a tranquilizer gun—"

Confusion was written on Angelina's face as her conversational partner disappeared. She turned her head towards Ramaik, and her lips snapped shut when she saw a mischievous glint in her patient's eyes.

"He went out to meet Mr. Nanjan earlier."

"I know," Angelina replied curtly. She returned to her seat, placed the medical supplies on the table, and then put on gloves with a grim expression.

"Where are your hands?"

Ramaik obediently extended his left hand to Angelina's waiting palm. His lips slightly curved as Angelina cut the bandage with scissors.

Damn, Angelina cursed when her cheeks suddenly felt warm. She quickly looked down and tried to busy herself by focusing on the area she had to examine.

The room was quiet as the slow loris receiving treatment made no noise. However, for Angelina, it was different. Her heart pounded so loudly that she could hear it.

Their skin looked contrasting, as did the differences in their muscles. The entire bandage finally came off, and Angelina involuntarily took a quick breath when she found a reddish hue around the surgical wound.

"Regeneration has slowed down," Ramaik explained, making Angelina's head snap up in surprise. Their eyes met, and her expression showed her shock.

"Dr. Sandy said it might be because I no longer receive injections from Genma," Ramaik continued when no words came out of Angelina's mouth.

"So, how long is the healing process?"

The faint smile that had disappeared from Ramaik's lips reappeared. He lowered his head slightly as he asked, "Are you... worried?"


"No, I'm not." Angelina immediately pushed her chair back and let go of her grip.

She then walked to the staff's medical cabinet, clarifying, "I am asking to calculate the antibiotic dosage."

There was no comment from Ramaik. Angelina wasn't interested in looking at her patient. She pulled open a drawer and took out a bag of compresses. "You should compress the wound for 30 minutes with warm water and change the bandage every six hours. I'll provide the items."

"For what?"

Ramaik's question furrowed Angelina's brow. The woman who had just arrived in front of the sink turned to find the man thinning his lips.

An expression of dissatisfaction appeared on Ramaik's face when he spoke curtly. "I can't change the bandage myself."

Angelina's emotions flared up. The woman who ignored her patient's rational words slammed a basin on the sink and put her hands on her hips. She glared fiercely and hissed, "Listen, sir. I'm not your doctor. You can ask someone else to assist you to change the bandage."

"Like who?"

Nanjan's sly face quickly changed to Labih's foolish expression before settling on Pandu, the only orangutan on the pre-release island, where he must travel a five-hour journey from the rehabilitation center. Ramaik turned his head to observe the woman's hesitant expression. He repeated his question.

"Like who, Angel?"

"Doctor Angelina! Not Angel!"

Angelina's correction caused the man's eyes to narrow, and his lips thinned. They stared at each other until Ramaik decided to give in. He turned away, even though a trace of anger remained on his face.

Angelina imitated her interlocutor's gesture. She turned toward the sink, filled a bag with tap water, and mixed it with hot water from a thermos. Then, she took a small towel and returned to her seat, facing her sulking patient.

"Where's your hand?!" Angelina demanded after putting on gloves. She held out her palm with a curt tone.

Ramaik glanced momentarily. At first, he seemed reluctant to move, but perhaps because Angelina's appearance was similar to the recently forcibly deported orangutan, he eventually complied with her request.

Angelina's emotions subsided as she focused on the infected area. Ramaik had never experienced such a problem before.

Maybe it's because his cage at Genma was also hygienic, Angelina thought quickly.

She then lowered her head. She used her fingers to examine the swelling, considering the possibility of infection, and muttered in a much softer tone, "Does it hurt?"

Ramaik's dismissive grunt extinguished Angelina's empathy. Deprived of food, rest, and happiness, she shortened her observation time and promptly applied a warm compress to the reddened area without further delay. "Hold it like this for thirty minutes. I'll apply the antibiotic later."

Angelina stood up as Ramaik's fingers replaced hers. She then grabbed her backpack and walked towards the exit of the room when her patient asked, "Where are you going?"

Angelina turned her head over her shoulder and replied sarcastically, "I don't need to tell you my personal affairs."

Ramaik held his tongue to restrain the argument. He avoided eye contact by examining the compress he was holding.

Angelina fell silent for a while as she observed her patient's behavior before finally saying, "Don't remove it; I'll be back in thirty minutes."

Ramaik didn't respond. The sulking man pretended not to hear and didn't even turn around to look at her.

Angelina's once disheveled and greasy face looked even more faded. She then left her patient to shower and change into clean clothes.

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