Chapter 13

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"I'm not lying, sir. The orangutan's behavior was indeed lewd! He seemed to want to do something inappropriate. If Mr. Karno hadn't shot his leg, I-I might have canceled the wedding next month," said a female worker to Labih with a trembling voice. The twenty-year-old girl wiped her nose with a tissue as she recounted her traumatic experience in her life.

Angelina's brow furrowed as she observed the sweet female. As far as she knew, male orangutans were only interested in females covered in orange fur or at least wearing orange attributes. However, the victim did not fit the usual orangutan preferences. She had fair skin, a broad nose, a slim figure in all-black attire, shiny black hair cascading down her shoulders, and tied with a black band. The woman was too unattractive to arouse the interest of an adult male orangutan.

Five female workers accompanying them responded with chatter while Mr. Taryo exhaled wearily. He sat on a rattan chair while the RTW team interviewed eyewitnesses.

"That's right, sir. The orangutan was strange! He was chasing Ms. Wati, who was quite far from his nest, and didn't even glance at Ms. Surti." One of them pointed to the overweight woman they were discussing.

Ms. Surti's red lips twitched with annoyance as she shouted at them. "Hey, you! The orangutan didn't chase me because I protected myself with martial arts moves! Ms. Wati is as thin as a stick, so she was the one he chased instead of not finding a female."

"Nonsense. I saw when the orangutan came down from the tree. It didn't even look at Ms. Surti," another retorted.

An argument erupted among them. Labih seemed overwhelmed by their nonsensical explanations and attempted to refocus the conversation. He asked, "So, where is the orangutan now?"

"The last sighting was in G-5, sir. About five kilometers north of here. He climbed after being shot three times," Mr. Taryo answered this time. "We don't know how he got there. Suddenly, his nest was already there yesterday."

"The transport cage and the vehicle for the orangutan might arrive late. So, we need permission to set up camp and monitor the situation," Labih replied, recalling Nanjan's instructions.

"Very well, sir. Just let me know if you need anything. Shall we continue to the location now?"

Mr. Taryo stood up first, followed by the RTW team. Angelina inadvertently noticed two women in their twenties who had been more focused on stealing glances at Ramaik than participating in the argument. As they walked towards the vehicle, she also glanced at Ramaik. A faint smile formed on Angelina's lips as she observed his side profile bathed in the afternoon sunlight. Well, he wasn't unattractive.

Ramaik reflexively turned his head. Angelina held her breath as their gazes met briefly. A long, deep sigh came from the man, causing Labih and Mr. Taryo to stop walking.

"What's that sound?" Labih asked, tensing up. "Is there a clouded leopard here?"

"No, no, I'm not aware of any," replied Mr. Taryo, his face pale. Both of them looked around warily.

Stupid Inyiak, Angelina muttered to herself, her cheeks feeling hot. She turned her head away and hastened towards the car door before shouting, "Come on, Mr. Labih! It's just a cat's meow!"

Angelina ignored Ramaik's annoyed snort by closing the car door from inside. She averted her eyes at her window when the man she had avoided entered and sat beside her.


Three members of the Rescue The Wild walked along a path shaded by oil palm trees on both sides while carrying backpacks. Labih and Angelina searched for traces of the Lewd Orangutan, starting from the last known nest. They looked up and scanned the surroundings with binoculars.

"It's strange. There's not much damage to the oil palms. Orangutans usually consume five to six palm fronds," Labihremarked, puzzled.

Angelina agreed. This orangutan behavior was weird. She turned her body to survey the area and murmured, "Maybe we should split up. Orangutan males usually move about three meters. Whoever finds orangutan activity first should notify the others, and those who don't find anything should return to the starting point."

"Good suggestion, Doctor," Labih lowered his binoculars. He held tight to their only tranquilizer gun. "I'll head north."

However, unfortunately, before he could escape, Angelina, who had already sensed her colleague's devious intentions, shouted first, "Mr. Labih! Give me the tranquilizer gun!"

"Oh, come on, you'll be safe with Mr. Ramaik. I'll go first!" Labih hurriedly exclaimed.

Angelina gasped as the fake team leader sprinted away. She was about to chase him, but her head suddenly snapped backward as someone grabbed her ponytail.

"Ramaik! Stop pulling my hair!" Angelina scolded, shaking her head to free herself from her former cellmate's mischievous grip. Her eyes fiercely glared before she spun around and walked away from the troublemaker.

"Toward the setting sun."

Ramaik's words stopped Angelina in her tracks.

"What do you mean?" Angelina asked, quickly turning her body. She saw Ramaik nod towards the west before he answered, "There's a pongo's urine smell near a tree with a nest over there."

On that late afternoon, a gentle breeze did little to disperse the 32-degree heat as they walked. It whisked away strands of Angelina's hair. She reflexively tried to catch a scent that graced her nose, but she smelled nothing.

How could I know?! I am not a cat-human like him. Angelina scolded herself.

Ramaik's lips curled as he observed Angelina's disappointed expression. He then walked first while saying, "Let's go."

Angelina pursed her lips. However, she tailed the man who had taken the lead and intended to maintain a distance from the playful hands that often pulled her hair.

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