Chapter 9

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The sky outside the window appeared dark. Angelina found her clothes scattered on the bed, feeling restless. She looked around the familiar room, where an almost empty wardrobe stood in the corner, and the scent of sea-scented perfume filled the air.

What am I doing here?

Angelina's gaze stopped at an open suitcase on the floor, partially filled with her clothes.

Am I getting ready to go somewhere? Where?

The bedroom door was wide open, but Angelina hesitated to step out.

It's too dark.

She finally walked over to the dressing table. A photo of a newlywed couple lay there. Angelina's lips curved as she looked at the radiant smiles on their faces.


Angelina's fingers traced her husband's face, her heart full of affection. However, the glint of light from the gold ring on her finger caught her attention.

A sense of unease resurfaced. Something was wrong.

Angelina touched the now cold ring, her fingers feeling constricted.

Her left hand instinctively moved to remove the ring, but she faintly heard someone calling her name.


"Paul?" Angelina turned abruptly, forgetting the pain in her finger, and hurried toward the open door.

However, she stopped when she could hardly see anything outside. Was there a power outage?

She waved her hand to disperse the stinging feeling from their wedding ring, then shouted for her husband, "Paul, I can't see anything! It's pitch black out there! Where are you?"

Silence stretched on. Angelina's heart raced from fear. She cautiously stepped outside and called again, "Paul, where are you?"


The voice, more like a whisper, made Angelina take a few more steps. Unconsciously, she headed to the living room, where she could dimly make out a new set of sofas they had bought after renovating their house.

Angelina's breath quickened. Her intuition once again sensed something amiss. A feeling of unease made her panic as she looked around frantically. "Paul! I'm here. Where are you?"

The darkness that had previously obscured Angelina's vision slowly receded. She could finally see the man she had been searching for, kneeling on the floor.

Angelina's heart rate slowed as she smiled broadly. She hurried toward him, saying, "Paul, what are you doing there? Come on, let's—"

But Angelina's steps suddenly halted. Her eyes widened as a figure emerged from the darkness. The creature bare-chested like a human, but Sumatran tiger stripes covered its back and muscular hands.


A short growl escaped from between Ramaik's fangs. He walked toward Paul, who was trying to inch backward, and whimpered, "An... gel, help."

Ramaik slowly raised his right hand. A glint of light reflected from the creature's five claws.

"An... gel, help..."

Angelina's face went pale. She ran as fast as she could, screaming, "No!"


Angelina suddenly opened her eyes and sat up. Cold sweat covered her body, and her breath was heavy.

The room was almost pitch dark, with only dim yellow light from the outside.

Angelina hugged her trembling body. She could even hear her heartbeat.

Why did that dream come back? Is it because of his arrival?

"Thank you. Thank you for saving me."

Ramaik's stuttered words suddenly echoed in her mind, causing her heart to ache. She curled up, whispering sadly. "Paul, I miss you..."


The cold water, filtered from the river and piped into Angelina's bathroom, refreshed her sleep-deprived body. She yawned as she put on her uniform and tied her hair haphazardly.

Angelina's peripheral vision lazily glanced at the messy bed she had just left. There's no one to scold me now; it doesn't matter if it's a mess.

She avoided the faint morning light by turning her head, then marched over the red rug in the main room, strewn with scattered books, and opened the front door.

Fresh air filled Angelina's lungs as she stepped outside. However, her expression soured as the antagonist of her dream stood right in front of her house.

Ramaik's head turned quickly as the door creaked open. He let out a soft snort before his lips curved in a friendly smile.

"What are you doing here?" Angelina asked, displeased. The sky was still shrouded in the darkness of early morning, and Labih's pet rooster had only crowed two seconds ago.

However, Ramaik seemed oblivious to Angelina's body language of rejection. He extended the arm wrapped in a bandage and replied casually. "It's time to change the bandage."

Angelina held the door with both hands to keep the unwanted guest from entering her home. She canceled her intention to go outside and grumbled, "I'm not your doctor. You can ask Doctor William to do it."

Ramaik's expression turned flat. They stared at each other for a few seconds before the man suddenly took off the cloth wrapped around his arm and discarded it in the trash bin by the door.

Angelina's breath caught as she saw the long, reddened scar on Ramaik's arm. Why is he not healed yet?

Angelina opened the door with a push and called out as her guest seemed ready to leave. "Ramaik, wait!"

Ramaik responded by halting his steps. They stared at each other in silence.

Angelina's heart wavered again. But her eyes instinctively roamed over his arm, and her heart felt uncomfortable. Usually, he only needs a day to heal.

"It seems like an infection," Ramaik commented casually as Angelina's gaze stopped on the now wide, red, and long wound. He even appeared to intentionally flaunt his arm, slightly extending it forward with a sly grin.

Crazy Inyiak.

Angelina cursed inwardly. With great reluctance, she pushed the door wide open before turning around. She stomped inside her official residence and said gruffly, "Take off your shoes! I don't have much time!"

The familiar snoring she had long forgotten now sounded for the second time. She ground her teeth as her heart pounded painfully. But she still allowed the Source of Trouble to step inside and muttered to herself.

Just this once.

Just this once, I'll help him.

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Beneath The Tiger Gaze - #3 Genma Corporation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now