Chapter 5

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A three-meter-high gray brick wall served as a barrier between the main road and the area where Rescue The Wild operates, located on a three-hectare piece of government-owned land. Both vehicles passed through the checkpoint before neatly parking in a cement-covered parking lot, as indicated by Angelina's watch, which showed seven in the evening.

There, three other cars were visible. Angelina fell silent while gazing at the green car with the RTW Center logo. The woman felt dizzy at the prospect of working in the same place as her troublesome former patient.

"Come on, Doctor, let's get out," Labih invited while turning off the engine. Angelina opened the car door with a single purpose: to shower and lay on her comfortable bed, hoping her current experience was just an acute hallucination due to hunger. Unfortunately, the creature whom she avoided even passed by and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, this employment contract is fair," Nanjan's voice reassured Ramaik as they walked, disturbing Angelina's attention. She glanced at a bundle of papers that her miserly superior was tapping in his left palm.

"It's fair content. One year of work, monthly salary payments, and if one of us wants to terminate the contract, it's reasonable to be subject to a penalty," Nanjan explained while patting Ramaik's shoulder. The cat-man appeared to be carrying a backpack containing his everyday clothes. "I'll inform the central representative that you are needed here, and we've already signed the contract. One attachment for me. The one that you were holding earlier. This one is for the central archives."

"Why are you dawdling, Doctor? Come on," Labih called out as Angelina seemed reluctant to enter the building area. "Do you shower first before having dinner? Mr. Nanjan will catch up and treat you to a meal."

"Let's do the treat tomorrow. I want to rest immediately."

Ramaik's head turned to her when he heard Angelina's refusal. The man's lips straightened as he said, "You haven't eaten since noon, have you?"

What does it matter if I want to eat or not?

"I had some fried snacks earlier; I'm still full," Angelina replied curtly.

Angelina ignored Ramaik's displeasure. She turned towards the RTW office building, a two-story structure on their right, and spotted a stranger in an RTW uniform stepping out of it.

Is he a supervisor from headquarters?

The group abruptly stopped as the chubby, bespectacled man smiled broadly and said, "Welcome back. I believe orangutan transfer is bound to be a success, right?"

"Doctor William?" Nanjan extended his hand to shake. "I apologize for the wait."

Doctor William chuckled lightly. He returned Nanjan's greeting. "I'm the one who should apologize for treating one of the slow loris earlier. The field technician saw a territorial dispute among the males in the habituation enclosure. I took the initiative to address the situation since there was no standby medical staff."

Angelina blinked as she heard the explanation. The animals in rehabilitation and transit are her responsibility until they are released or picked up by the Natural Resources Conservation Agency.

Angelina forgot her tiredness and stepped closer. "I'm the responsible doctor; how is the patient's condition now?"

Doctor William turned his attention to Angelina. The 40-year-old man's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he tried to guess the identity of his interlocutor by asking, "If I'm not mistaken, you must be Doctor Angelina?"

Beneath The Tiger Gaze - #3 Genma Corporation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now