Chapter 7

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Thirty minutes on the dot, Angelina returned to the clinic. Her body was already cleaned from the dirt and sweat using river water filtered and channeled directly into her Type 21 official residence's bathroom.

Angelina walked in feeling much better. She now wore a loose black T-shirt with matching jeans, and her worn-out sneakers remained her faithful companions, albeit with new socks.

Angelina's steps slowed as she heard a soft snore. Her eyes widened as she saw her patient leaning against the wall. His head was slightly tilted, still holding the compress as instructed.

Angelina remembered the morning's events. Ramaik had just arrived from a long journey but immediately offered his assistance.

Angelina's feelings softened. She walked closer and found Ramaik's slightly long bangs covering part of his face. However, Angelina could still observe the bluish-red bruise on her patient's cheek.

An unusual restlessness overcame Angelina as her gaze focused on the dark stain encircling Ramaik's neck and whispered inwardly. He shouldn't be here, so I shouldn't worry about his condition.

Angelina turned and approached the sink to wash her hands, but the flowing water didn't wake the sleeping man. She dried her hands before returning to her place.

Angelina took the tube of heparin ointment and opened it. The woman squeezed a small, clear gel onto her fingertip and then turned to her still-sleeping patient. Is it okay to treat him now?

Angelina hesitated and slightly stooped. Her fingers gently pushed aside Ramaik's bangs that obstructed her view before gently applying the gel to his swollen cheek. Time was crawling as memories of the past revolved from one scene to another while the woman's hand moved until she finished her job.

Angelina released her grip on Ramaik's hair. She then straightened her back. Her breath caught when she found Ramaik had awakened, and their eyes met. However, Angelina quickly snapped out of it. She averted her gaze toward the table to retrieve and put on her gloves.

The woman then examined the compress still held by Ramaik and mumbled softly, "You can remove it now."

Ramaik didn't comment as Angelina took the compressed bag from his grip. He remained silent as the woman sat down and dried his arm with a towel. Seconds was ticked by in silence. Angelina's head remained down, and her gaze focused on the arm she had just reached.

She thinly applied white antibiotic ointment around the stitched wound. Angelina then took a bandage and carefully began wrapping Ramaik's hand when he asked, "Which one is for the bruise?"

"The one in the tube, like a small toothpaste," Angelina replied without looking up.

Both of the woman's hands were busy with their tasks when Ramaik moved slowly to retrieve the mentioned item. He then read the label aloud in a stiff and stuttering voice, "He-pa-rin?"

Huh? Angelina looked up with a surprised expression. "You can read now?"

Ramaik's eyes narrowed upon hearing Angelina's question. He refused to answer and, in response, he squeezed the tube, wrinkling his forehead as the gel smeared his fingers. "Just apply it like this?"

"Hey! Don't play with that!" scolded Angelina as her mischievous patient wasted the valuable ointment. She snatched the tube from Ramaik's hand and glared at him. "You can use it if I allow you to."

Annoyance was visible on Ramaik's face, but he didn't argue. Angelina placed the tube back on the table as something sticky touched her cheek.

"Like this?" the man imitated Angelina's earlier movement. Ramaik's thumb smoothed the gel evenly on the sore spot, causing Angelina to catch her breath.

A pained frown formed as the clear gel touched Angelina's left cheek. Ramaik's gaze immediately softened. He then spoke in a gentle tone, "Almost done."

Angelina's pulse raced. The ache in her heart made her reflexively turn her head to ward off the touch she shouldn't have received. "Ramaik, I can do this on my own."

The faint glow that briefly appeared in Ramaik's eyes immediately dimmed. Angelina lowered her head. She ignored the disappointed expression on his face and continued her half-finished task.

The seconds on the clock ticked evenly as the three individuals there remained silent. Angelina's skilled fingers tied the remaining bandage and cut it just as Ramaik's stomach growled.

"You can eat now," Angelina said as she organized the medical equipment. She closed the heparin tube, then placed it with the bandage and ointment in a plastic bag she had prepared earlier, offering it to Ramaik. "Here, use it every six hours. Keep the wound area dry and clean."

"No need," replied Ramaik as he stood. "I can't apply the bandage myself; you can keep it."

Angelina was stunned as her patient walked out of the clinic. She then looked at the plastic bag she still held in her hand, her face wrinkled in frustration.

"Ramaik! Take your medication!"

Angelina ignored the slow loris, her other patient in need of quiet. She hurriedly returned the medical equipment to the cabinet and discarded her gloves. She washed her hands hastily and chased after her unruly patient, who had disappeared.

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