Chapter 14

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The brownish river flowed slowly, carrying waste from the factories operating there. Angelina, following Ramaik, instinctively observed the thickets with caution, fearing the presence of Estuarine Crocodiles. The Man-Eaters were known to bask by the river, and a place as extensive as fifty hectares might not be free of these reptiles.

"There, over there," Ramaik's brief remark made Angelina turn her head. Several oil palm shoots lay scattered in the area, torn from their roots. Angelina continued walking while exhaling. Without conflicts in the oil palm plantation, those pongos tend to disrupt honey farmers in late December.

"Homelessness only causes trouble," Ramaik suddenly spoke. Their gazes clashed as the man's lips formed a sardonic smile.

"What do you mean?" Angelina showed a puzzled expression. Her eyebrows almost met as she tried to digest the mocking statement that had just entered her hearing.

Unfortunately, Ramaik had no intention of answering. He just shrugged and continued walking.

Angelina was momentarily stunned when she saw Ramaik's figure moving away. However, the rustling of leaves successfully made her heart jump in surprise. She quickly followed the man who was getting farther away from her.


A primate about one and a half meters tall, covered in unkempt black fur, sat leisurely on a 10-meter-tall oil palm tree. The creature's right hand reached for a handful of leaves and chewed them slowly.

"He seems healthy," commented Ramaik as he looked up to observe their target. Unlike Angelina, who used binoculars, he put his hands in his pants pockets and had no trouble seeing the creature partially hidden among the leaves.

There are no visible injuries. Are the shots missed? Angelina averted her attention by checking the oil palm around the pongo before her lips curved down in disappointment. No new nest meant it would leave again.

Angelina observed the pongo's behavior as it scratched its left armpit. She stood still until Ramaik called her name.

"Angel, sit."


Angelina turned her head. The blue tarp, measuring 7 meters, which tied to Ramaik's backpack, was now spread out on the ground. He was even sitting, leaning against an oil palm trunk, while patting the empty side.

Angelina's pupils widened for a moment. Memories from the past seemed to be playing in front of her. The same man, a similar invitation....

The pongo's shriek suddenly disrupted the memories Angelina was trying to erase. Her legs hesitated to step forward, causing her to remain in her original position.

The silence lasted for a few seconds until Ramaik said, "Three months ago, the team found Genma's secret lab in Samarinda..."


Ramaik withheld information when he saw the surprised look in Angelina's eyes. He patted the empty side again and said, "Sit, Angel."

This time, the bait seemed to work. Angelina finally agreed to overcome her allergy. She walked past the giant ants passing by before taking off her backpack and sitting as far away from him as possible.


"So, Mr. Nixon is in Samarinda? How is he? D-did Genma hurt him?"

Ramaik's lips thinned when he heard the string of questions and the trembling in Angelina's voice at the end of her sentence. He bent his right leg to hold his hand and looked away.

Beneath The Tiger Gaze - #3 Genma Corporation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now