~ A Truth Bomb...Or Two ~

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“I can’t believe that you actually got the callback. We did it as a joke…”

Shay stared at her best friend, sensing the jealousy in her voice.

“Don’t feel too bad. I’m not taking it seriously anyways. I’m just going to go in and do the interview and then I’m leaving. They probably won’t even pick me.”

Jordan nodded as she turned around and gave her a double thumbs up.

“Okay. Good luck! Or not! Whatever…”

Shay smirked as she made her way toward the door of the Music Hall. Once she was escorted to the conference room by the manager, she sat down and glanced over the eight guys who were studying her intently.

The Music Hall in the Citadel was running an audition process for the kpop boy group for their ninth and last member so that they could enter the pool of applicants for the next generation kpop industry.

She noticed one of them, who had dark hair, boba eyes, and an angular face, shifting nervously and leaning over to whisper to the member on his left. He had the air of a leader with his light silver hair, eyes that were stern but gentle, and a mischievous smile.

After he was done listening to the other’s concern, he sat up and addressed her.

“Hello. Let me start off the introductions. My name is Bang Chan, and I’m the leader of this new group.”

Bang Chan turned back to the one who had whispered to him. He sat up reluctantly and bowed his head.

“Hello…my name is Minho. I’m the co-leader and lead dancer.”

Slowly the rest of the guys introduced themselves. Changbin, who was the lead rapper, was next. Jisung introduced himself as the main rapper, rounding out the rapping group. Hyunjin and Yongbok introduced themselves as the main dancers. Seungmin and Jeongin presented themselves as the main vocals.

She took a deep breath, absorbing all the new information.

“Hello, my name is Shay Ling.”

Minho leaned forward.

“Forgive my bluntness…but how old are you?”

Shay was taken back and noticed the other members exchanging nervous glances. Bang Chan glared at Minho, clearly unhappy with his rudeness. She wrung her hands as she answered quietly.

“I just entered my eighteenth revolution.”

Minho swore under his breath as he turned to lock eyes with Bang Chan. After a furious whispering argument, the leader turned to her and asked her gently.

“I noticed on the application that you are not from our biodome. Are you aware of our culture?”

Shay knitted her brows.

“I went to the School of Music in Elissya for four years. We were taught about all genres of music. You guys are Kpop.”

Bang Chan looked unsure for a moment before he pressed on.

“There is a unique…characteristic specifically for Kpop groups.” He started hesitantly before continuing, “Have you ever noticed that the groups that are either all male or all female have one member of the opposite gender to the group as well?”

She nodded, confused at where the conversation was going. The other members were starting to shift uncomfortably as well. Minho was practically surly looking that she was starting to get uncomfortable as well. Clearly she was missing something.


Bang Chan locked eyes with hers.

“Do you know why that is?”

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