~ Sweat, Dirt, & Blood ~

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Jiniret glanced up when Shay and Chan ran into his room. Noting the look on her face, he stood up quickly.

“What’s wrong?”

She shook her head, breathing heavily.

“No time to explain. I need to talk to Dr. Yang now!”

Jiniret met Chan’s eyes, but he shrugged. He seemed just as confused and worried as he was. He quickly guided Shay and Chan into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Shay threw a questioning look toward him. He put a finger up to his lips, motioning for them to speak quietly. He pulled out a pad and started connecting to Dr. Yang.

“Jiniret? What’s…oh.”

Shay had stepped into the frame.

“Dr. Yang…they’re taking Hyunjin in for an experiment. I was with him when suddenly I got sucked out…”

She saw the look of alarm cross his face. He glanced away, tapping something onto his computer. When he turned back, his face was pale.

“Jiniret…looks like we need to set our plan in motion now. I trust that you know what to do?”

He nodded and the communique ended. Then he turned toward Chan and Shay.

“It’s time. We need to move quickly, so I’m going to run through the details.” He pointed up to the duct above the sink. “You will have to climb up into the ducts in order to sneak out undetected. I’ll download a map onto this wrist pad for you. It will take you outside of the building where there is brush hiding it. From there, you will need to sneak through the alleyways and down to the temple to meet Hyunjin.”

Their eyes widened.

“What? How??” Chan asked.

Jiniret started typing on his wrist pad, frowning as he did so. Shay noticed a timer; it was a circle made of triangles, and one was darkening.

“Dr. Yang made clones of each one of the members. He was working on Shay’s clone, which is why we were waiting until the selection day in order to enact the rescue. But something must have tipped Miss Park off.”

“Wait!? You had clones of us?”

Jiniret nodded.

“I have to leave now. I’m going into the Citadel and bringing Hyunjin into Sialia and to the temple.” He met their eyes. “He’ll be replacing me. It’s going to be dangerous. Miss Park cannot find out that we switched places.”

Shay frowned.

“What about you? If the clone is going to take Hyunjin’s place, and he’s coming here, where are you going to go?”

He smiled sadly.

“Into the Citadel tunnels. I’m going to find the idols.”

They looked at him with surprise.

“But why?”

“I need to check in with them. Make sure that they’re doing okay and get them ready to be set free. And…one of the abilities we were waiting to develop is being able to connect with me down in the tunnel so that we could supply them with what they need. Like I said, this plan is starting earlier than we anticipated.”

Chan nodded that he understood. Jiniret was quiet as he paused.

“This is very important. Whoever goes out to the temple, you will need to wait until the lunar cycle starts. There’s less security at the Central Hub, but there’ll be increased security in the streets. And you have to do this without raising suspicion. Eve is only in the bedrooms, living area, and kitchen as well as the main building. But if she notices more than three people in the bathroom at once and for a long period of time, then she’ll set off an alarm at Miss Park’s office.”

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