~ SKZ Logs 3: ~

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Chan: "It is solar cycle eighteen of the ascent in 3455. Wow...a lot of information has been fed to us that my brain's about to explode...Shay's been starting to build more connections with each of the member's every cycle. And she's doing so well keeping up with us on choreography and vocals. I couldn't have asked for a better choice to join us as the last member. With everything that's happened, I realize that I am behind in spending time with Shay. I need to start focusing on that more. If we are selected, we will get to debut. But the last condition must be met before we can announce it. And we need Shay for that. Minho got on me today because I was pushing too far. I forget that even with the nanites, we still are human and need to eat and rest, maybe just not as much as before. Oh! We found out something interesting...we can feel Shay's emotions whenever they are strong.
*giggles* But I won't go into details. *smirk* That's when we also found out that Jiniret has been able to read our minds all along. At first we were freaked out and worried, but then he asked us to let him explain and tell us everything. We went to the temple and met Dr. Yang. Long story short: he's been wanting us to rescue Hyunjin and the kidnapped idols. He's got this big elaborate plan for us, but we have to debut before we can put it into motion. After hearing it all, I stood there in a daze, trying to organize it all. So now Jiniret is part of our circle of people that we can trust. Since we were out already, and we'd been practicing a lot, we figured that we might as well take advantage of it and enjoy some free time. We decided on a friendly competition at an arcade. The prize was a date with Shay; my team won. *laughs* We took her to our favorite food district and got our favorite food. She looked really cute and beautiful as she tried our picks. Yongbok and Jeongin left to give me some time to check in with Shay and see how she was doing. She said that she was dealing with it well; but she was worried about Hyunjin. We all are...especially me. I hate the thought of him being stuck in that lab while we're out here having fun...*pauses* But there's nothing we can do right now because we don't have special privileges yet. And we need that in order to get him out. There was a moment...when I let myself go with Shay. And it was really strong. It's so hard to hold back with her. She's so tiny and adorable, and I just want her. But I can't...I don't want to scare her. She said something really interesting though...She said that she was starting to read me easily. *quizzical look* Is it possible? Because if she can...I feel like I need that. Minho certainly seems to think so. *laughs* She's definitely spicy...*grins* It came out a little bit when she was in a vocal lesson with Seungmin. *giggles* Afterwards, she came to find me. I was tired and wanted to snuggle with her for a bit so we went to the room and laid down. I had just fallen asleep with her wrapped around me when she suddenly woke up. She was so scared...turned out that we needed to rescue Hyunjin sooner than we wanted. Shay and Minho are getting ready to head out to meet Hyunjin at the temple and bring him back home to us. Wish us luck...Chan out."

Minho: "Solar cycle eighteen, ascent, 3455. Do I really need to say this everytime? *eyeroll* Well, we found out that Jiniret isn't really a spy. *leans in close to the camera and whispers* But I still don't trust him. Hyunjin should have never been taken away from us. He doesn't belong in that place. He's too delicate, just like Yongbok and Jisung...and Shay. Although...pretty sure Yongbok is hiding a secret side somewhere. *chuckle* And Jisung can be intense when he wants to be, but I think that they're trying to balance it out for Shay. She can only handle so much...*smirk* Now Seungmin...*shakes head* He needs to slow down. After what happened with the last girl, I worry about him sometimes. Oh! And that's how we discovered that we can feel Shay's emotions. *grimace* Just wish that we had a better emotion to be hit with first because it was a bit too intense for the first time. *smirk* The story that Dr. Yang told us...I have so many questions. So many poor choices. We need to fix it all. The members and I. It's going to take all of us. And we need to develop these nanites. *Glances upward, thinking* I wonder if we'll ever get to the point where we can get rid of them. They do come in handy, but I don't like them. It's unnatural. Although Jisung tells me that they can be fun if I try...Being a co-leader makes it really hard for me to let go. I constantly worry about all the members, even Chan. *sighs* I thought that with Shay, we would finally have a normal life, and it's completely flipped upside down...At least, Shay is still getting to know us. Just differently than I had thought. We got a bit of free time today, and we went to the arcade. I was happy to see that all the members had fun. Even Chan. *smiles* His team won a date with Shay, and they went to the food district. Yongbok and Jeongin came back early, and I was happy to see that because that meant that Chan finally had a chance to sit with Shay and spend time with her. *grins* It must have gone well because now Shay is going to be resting with them for the next few cycles. And now everything is changing again. Shay and I are going to meet up with Hyunjin at the temple and bring him back here with us. I can't take anymore surprises though. We need a break...I just want us to get selected and debut. And as for Shay...she's starting to wrap her tiny fingers around my heart. That little minx...*smile* Aiyoo...I'm falling for her. *holds head in his hands.* Minho out..."

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