~ Yin & Yang ~

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Shay walked out of the bathroom, meeting Minho and Jisung's eyes. They were quiet ever since they were hit by the wave of emotion. What was even more shocking to them than discovering they could read each other's emotions was the fact that Hyunjin had been affected as well and could read their minds. He had been able to all along.

Hyunjin: Guys...I can explain. But not here. There's eyes and ears in this place.

Seungmin: No shit, Sherlock...

Chan grimaced.

Chan: Seungmin...

His voice carried a warning tone.

Seungmin: Sorry, hyung.

Minho: Why should we trust you?

Hyunjin: I will tell you everything, I promise. Meet me at the temple by the next triangle.

Shay dressed quickly and met up with Minho, Jisung, and Yongbok out in the living area. Yongbok grinned as he spied her, causing her to blush. They boarded the transporter and rode it in silence. Minho turned toward Jisung and Yongbok.

"If anything goes wrong, I want you to grab the others and get them out of there."

They nodded, and he leveled his gaze on her.

"Promise me that if Chan and I say run or to leave, you will go."

Shay nodded.

The door opened, and they saw Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin waiting in the lobby. They greeted each other and scanned their wrists to activate their locator beacons. Once outside, they climbed into the company pod. Hyunjin reached over to input the coordinates.

When they arrived at the temple, Shay couldn't help but admire it. It was built out of black metal, and it shone starkly in the solar light. They walked through the tall entrance, and Hyunjin guided them to a side room for privacy. A deep voice spoke from the shadows. Turning their eyes toward the corner, they watched as a tall elderly man stepped out. He had gray hair and light blue eyes behind a pair of black rimmed glasses.

"Hello, everyone."

Chan and Minho stepped instinctively in front of the members. Jisung and Yongbok flanked behind them surrounding Shay.

"Dr. Yang??"

The members turned toward Shay, their expressions froze with shock.

"Shay...do you know him?" Chan asked while he kept his eye on the man.

She gently tapped Chan and Minho's shoulders to let her through.

"Hello, Shay. It's been a while. How are you?"

Shay was stunned; her mind was racing as it was trying to wrap around what she was seeing.

"Let me explain everything, and it will all make sense."

They all stood in a circle around the fire blazer and listened intently as he started the story.

"My name is Dr. Mao Lin Yang. I was Shay's doctor from the time that she was created until she entered her eighteenth revolution. While my area of speciality is creating humans for families, I am also part of the research team in the Citadel run by Dr. Lee Min Yin. Dr. Yin is the leader of the team that has been investigating the power source for the past thirty revolutions."

The man watched as the original members' faces tightened.

"I was one of the assistants who suggested that we try amplifying the music to revitalize the energy source. As time went on, the council started putting more pressure on Dr. Yin to fix our dying world. Ten revolutions ago, our head of council suffered a tragic accident, so his daughter replaced his seat on the council."

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