~ Altered & Changed ~

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It was halfway through the solar cycle when Shay finally managed to pull Jeongin aside and speak to him. Knocking on the door to his room, she waited patiently for the door to slide open.

When it did, she saw Jeongin standing in the doorway, looking freshly showered.

“Hey, Jeongin...I wanted to talk to you about something that I saw earlier in the cycle.”

Jeongin grabbed her, pulling her inside and quickly laid a hand over her mouth, casting a quick glance around the hallway. Shay was surprised but didn’t fight him. The door closed, and he let go of her.

His eyes were wide as he leaned in close to whisper, “Shh! We have to be careful. Let’s go to the rooftop.”

Once they were up there, Shay recounted what she had saw.

“So it was a hologram.”

Shay nodded.

“I couldn’t get a really good look, but I did see three guys, and one of them was definitely Chan...”

Jeongin frowned.

“How are we going to get close enough to see it better?”

Suddenly Shay had an idea.

“Come on.”

Jeongin followed her to one of the offices. He listened quietly as she spoke to the AI.

“Eve, can you bring up all the tragic events that have happened in the past...” She turned to him, whispering softly. “How long has Chan been training?”

“Seven revolutions.”


They watched as the circular display flashed with hundreds of articles.

“Whoa...” Jeongin murmured breathlessly.

“Eve, eliminate any articles that don’t pertain to Chan.”

The screens went blank.

“Well, that was a dead end...Okay, Eve. New search. How about articles about tragedies in the K-pop industry?”

Shay watched as the screen lit up with articles again.

“Now we’re getting somewhere. Eliminate anything older than seven revolutions.”

A few articles disappeared.

“Okay, Jeongin. Help me look for anything that could give us a clue.”

Shay had been massaging her shoulders; they were getting sore from all the reading when Jeongin finally exclaimed, “I found something!”

She went over and started reading it.

“Council Meeting Set On The Fifteenth Solar Cycle. The Council will be meeting in the
administration building to discuss the influx of suicides that have recently risen in numbers over the past three revolutions.”

“Look at the date.” He murmured.

The date read Third Solar Cycle of the Eclipse in 3444 during the Spring Solstice.

“So this wasn’t that long ago.”

Shay brought her eyes up to Jeongin’s. They were laced with apprehension. She glanced back at the article again. Noticing something, she lowered her eyes to another headline.

“Jeongin...” She pointed to it.

“Two Male Idols Found Dead On Lunar Cycle: Investigation Underway. The police force have released a statement that there is an investigation underway for the two male idols who were found dead in an alley near the Citadel district. No foul play is suspected as the police chief disclosed a vital piece of evidence: two suicide notes written by both of the idols themselves. In a press release, the chief stated: ‘Today, we are running a handwriting analysis, but we are
confident that these notes were written by the deceased themselves. This is a terrible tragedy, and our thoughts go out to the victim’s families. Thank you.’ Every effort was made to contact the families for a statement, however they declined.”

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