~ SKZ Logs: #4 ~

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Chan: "It is solar cycle nineteen of the ascent in 3455. Wow...a lot has happened in this cycle. *Laugh* Um...we almost lost Hyunjin to Miss Park. And we kind of lost Jiniret. But let me start at the beginning of the solar cycle. Since we got Hyunjin back, I was worried about integrating him back into the group. He hadn't been with us for a revolution and a half so he wasn't current with Hellevator. But somehow we managed to show him the choreography and the vocals, and he nailed it on the first try. After that, I sat the members down and told them that we needed to get started on writing more songs. I played some music that I had been working on, and we got the idea to split into groups and create lyrics and choreo to go with each of the three tracks. I'm excited to hear what the other two groups came up with. Seungmin and Hyunjin are in my group. Oh...we also went into the Citadel and made a music video for Hellevator and recorded the song so we could release it. Seeing our song on the screen of the Music Hall was...surreal. Yongbok told us that we were charting really well with our song. We're almost there. We're five solun cycles away from selection day. I'm confident that we will be chosen and get to debut in the eclipse cycle. *Smile* We found out that we were infected with a different set of nanites, and it started messing with Omni's nanites. Shay reached out to Jiniret, and they put Hyunjin in a coma since Miss Park started experimenting on him before infecting us. In order to render them inert, Jiniret needed to merge with Hyunjin. But because Jiniret wasn't powerful enough, and neither was Shay, we needed to get married. After we all signed the marriage contract, Jiniret and Shay linked together and advanced their nanites. That's why Jiniret was able to successfully merge with Hyunjin. All of Miss Park's nanites are rendered inert now. Jiniret's AI body isn't here anymore, but his mind is still here in Hyunjin's mind. After we all got some rest, Yongbok told us the news about Hellevator, and a news article popped up informing us that Miss Park had been arrested. We're waiting for Dr. Yang to tell us the whole story after her interrogation is over. All we have left to do is to recharge Omni, and maybe then we can return to some semblance of normal. *Chuckle* I'm kind of glad that we are finally married, because some of the members were starting to test the boundary more than I would have liked. I'm not surprised that Yongbok did, but Jisung scared me. He's normally level headed but he toed the line hard. I was annoyed with him and was ready to scold him when I saw Shay. Seeing the apprehension in her eyes...I stopped. I didn't want to scare her. She is young and innocent, and I want her to enjoy being with us...*Sigh* I am a bit...nervous linking with her. I know my nature, and I am not sure how Shay will react to the intensity. I might wait for Minho and Yongbok to link up with her before I do. That's all I have for now. Chan out..."

Minho: "Solar cycle nineteen, ascent of 3455...Shay...my love...She's been through a lot with this solar cycle. Which has put my heart through the wringer and made me wish that I could have shielded her from a lot of it. Her and I share a really special bond. We're closer than the others. She often comes to me first for anything, and I think that is why I feel like I have to protect her. I don't want to see her hurt or to cry. *Chuckles wryly* Aiyoo...what has she done to me? *Puts his head into his hands* And now she's officially ours. We ended up signing the marriage contract in order to save Hyunjin. Earlier when Shay was with him, we all felt anger from him, and I was afraid. I ran to his shared room, not knowing what to expect. And when I told her to go to our room, she got up without question and did what I asked. She's the first girl that I've ever trusted. And the first girl that's trusted me completely in the way that she has. It's an indescribable feeling...I wasn't happy that we had to accelerate the timeline for the marriage contract though. She hasn't had enough time to bond with all of us, but we didn't have a choice. Jiniret was the first to link with her, because their nanites needed to be advanced enough for Omni to merge Jiniret and Hyunjin together, and she needed Shay to act as a conduit. Right after the link, they were ready to start the merge. Shay was in tears, and I pulled her into my arms as my heart shattered in a million pieces wanting to take away her fear and pain. I just held her and tried to pour as much peace and strength I could into her. When the merge was over and Jiniret was still with us, everyone was relieved. As Jisung, Shay, and I were laying in bed together, I just held her in my arms. As long as she's in my arms, I know that I can be her strength, and I will always be her rock. *Smirk* Now that Miss Park has been caught, I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our first song is topping the charts with three million views. All that is left of our dream coming true is to debut. It's so close that we can almost grab it...But it will take a lot of hard work and dedication. We have each other...that's all we need. Our strength is Shay and our love. And hopefully our fans. Minho out..."

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