~ SKZ Logs #5

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Chan's Log:

"Solar cycle twenty, of the ascent in 3455. I just linked up with Shay. In fact, we all have completed our linking. I was worried about it at first because I can be a bit intense. But the others told me to just be myself. (Sigh) I realized that they were right. If I want Shay to trust me then I need to trust her. So I took her out. I will never get tired of watching her expressions of wonder and excitement. That's the main reason why I love her...She reminds me of what it is like to look at things from a pure and innocent perspective. I lost that from being disillusioned after being a trainee for so long. When we got back, I really wanted to explore that side of her without holding back, and I really wanted her to let herself go completely with me. So I took her to the sound room. (Grin) Linking to her with the nanites...has got to be the best thing I've ever experienced next to making music...and the fact that she was pure and innocent added a different layer of intimacy. Wherever I guided her, she followed eagerly and chased it without abandon. In fact, I have an idea on how to utilize our connection to make us stronger as a group. But I have to talk to Minho first. Well, it's been a hectic solun, so I am going to rest. Until the next solar cycle...Chan out."

Minho's Log:

"Solar cycle twenty in the ascent of 3455. This solun cycle we had to focus on linking to Shay before the next lunar cycle started. Hyunjin was first, but then I was next. (Stares for a second.) At first, I had this plan of how I wanted our first linking. But that's not who I am or how Shay sees me. Right before we linked, it just struck me spontaneously. When we were in the duct system, I first saw Shay halfway stripped down. And when we got back, we had to create a reason for why we were in the bathroom for so long. Holding her in my arms while standing under the warm water, feeling the silkiness of her skin against mine...it took everything I had in me to keep myself from losing control and robbing us of that purity and innocence. And if I am being honest...(Holds head in his hands.) I am jealous that Hyunjin was her first. I know that we said that we all share her equally, and we all agreed to keep those feelings from appearing, but I can't help it...And it's not like I want her all to myself...I just want something that is just ours. If that makes sense. Something that only the two of us have that we've created that no one else can be or do...I think that it will come. I just have to be patient. Until the next cycle...Minho out!"

Changbin's Log:

"It is solar cycle twenty in the ascent in 3455. During the solar cycle, I finally got to kiss Shay...and to link to her. (Stares off as he smiles softly.) She is amazing...I've always had this ability to see all of the members and figure out what they are thinking and being what they need. I've always done it without a second thought, so when Shay turned around and started doing it for me; I was thrown off guard. I didn't realize how much I wanted it or needed it. I finally understood how the other members feel when I see them the way they need or want. I worry sometimes that I didn't do enough for Shay, but then I think back to her connection with Minho. They are both very close. To be honest, I think that he needs her in that capacity. She's been able to connect with him more deeply than any of us...even Jisung. But knowing Minho, I think he's struggling the most too. He's never had that...and to share Shay with the rest of us...he's got to be feeling like he doesn't have an individual connection with her. That's our next challenge...we each have to discover our own unique and intimate connection while respecting and cohesively growing together as a group. I'm not worried though. We have time. WE kind of rushed the timeline for the marriage, so I'd like to see us slow down and let us discover that spontaneously. (Smile) Until then...Dwaekki out!" (Finger heart, then screen fades to black.)

Hyunjin's Log:

"It is 3455, during the ascent on solar cycle twenty. This solun cycle we focused on getting all the members to link to Shay. Since I was the first, I didn't have to worry about that. The one I was most surprised by was Seungmin. And relieved too. I really thought that the last girl traumatized him enough that we would have to push him. But he sought her out and eagerly linked to her...Shay has been a balm for us...even when I was in the cell, I found myself waiting desperately for her to wake up, to hear her voice, and to see those eyes. She's got the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. (Pauses) One of these days, I'd like to paint a portrait of her. (Smiles) We'll see if I can capture her eyes and have them come alive on the canvas...But yea...she's been good for Seungmin...for all of us. Minho especially. I think Chan hyung worried a lot about him being able to trust anyone, let alone love. In his own way, Minho does trust us and love us, but he truly needed someone to connect with his heart completely. And I believe that Shay has connected with his heart; I can tell that it is growing stronger everyday. Changbin told me that she saw right into him and spoke to him in the way that tends to with each of us members. He said that he understood for the first time what it means to us when Changbin sees us and acknowledges us...(Pauses) I'm eager to see how much each of our connections grow and what comes from it. With all my love...Hyunjin out..."

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