The mature stage (Chapter 10)

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As they made their way down into the tunnel, it became more and more clear that his place should have been found long ago. This was bigger than they thought. As they reached the tunnel's end, an opening with light could be seen, and to Wriothesley's disappointment, Neuvillette put his shirt back on as they no longer needed light. They reached the opening and looked right down into what seemed to be a laboratory. There were broken-down walls, indicating this was probably an old ruin.

But there shouldn't be a ruin here. They climbed down into the room and looked around. The equipment was fairly new and in the middle of the room, there was a pool. They didn't have to go near it to tell it was Primordial seawater. This means they were apparently close to the Fortress of Meropide. 

Neuvillette watched as Wriothesley stepped closer to the water, too close. He didn't like it. Wriothesley stepped too close to the edge, and Neuvillette grabbed him and pulled him away.

"Don't go near it." He said sternly. Wriothesley nodded, understanding exactly why he shouldn't. There wasn't anything useful in the room, except for a few papers about the primordial seawater. They both stood and read through the papers, unaware the anything going on around them. 

Neuvillette left Wriothesley with the papers as he walked over to another part of the laboratory to look at a bookshelf. Neuvillette froze as he heard a familiar plunk. The sound of a gun's shells entering the tube.

"..Neuvillette-" Wriothesley tried to say, but a hand covered his mouth, muffling him. He could feel the gun pressed against the back of his head, and every inch of his body was in a panic. He felt like his head would explode before the gun was even fired. 

Neuvillette turned around quickly and saw the Duke with a gun to his head and a hand over his mouth. The hand belonged to a man he did not recognize. But when Wriothesley looked over his shoulder and saw the man, it was clear he knew exactly who it was. His face fell into a shocked expression before pure hatred consumed his eyes. 

Usually, Neuvillette would not be affected by such a scene. He would be calm and composed. But for some reason, seeing this made him enraged. How dare this person put a gun to the Duke's head? He was about to take a few steps forward and rip the man to pieces, but the man smirked and pressed the gun harder against Wriothesley's head.

"Are you going to try and attack me, Monsieur Neuvillette? If you even move a single muscle, I'll blow our dear Duke's brain out."

"What do you want." He glared at the man, almost with as much hatred as the Duke.

"I'm not sure, your honor. Why don't you dance a little dance as entertainment while I think?"

"Why don't you shoot the Duke? It's him you're after, so why wait?"

"Well, it seemed like you're quite protective of the Duke, so I was wondering how far you, the heartless Chief Justice, are willing to go to protect him?"

"How far do you want me to shove that gun up your ass?" He snarled back before he could even think of an appropriate response.  And despite the situation, the uncharacteristic response from the Iudex, had Wriothesley laughing. Not for long though, as the gun was pressed into his temple.

"Drop the gun." Neuvillette commanded. His patience was running out.

"That's not within my best interest, Monsieur-"

The gun flew out of the man's hand and landed in the pool of Primordial Seawater. Now disarmed, Wriothesley was ready to punch the living shit out of the man, but he didn't even get a chance, as Neuvillette had the guy pinned up against a wall in less than a second. He was choking the man to death, and Wriothesley stared in shock before rushing over to stop the Iudex.

Neuvillette got back to his senses as Wriothesley put a hand on his shoulder. He didn't know why he had reacted that strongly, but he quickly let go of the man and checked his pulse to make sure he wasn't dead. While the man was still breathing, he did have quite noticeable claw marks on his neck, and the wall he had been pressed against had shattered. Wriothesley stared at the scene, both shocked and amazed. Neuvillette was never seen in action, so getting to see this, made him wonder just how strong he was and what he was.

"I will take him to Palais Memoria for questioning, and you will come with me for interrogation."

"Why do I have to come too?"

"Because you obviously know who he is."

The way Neuvillette looked at Wriothesley made it clear that this was not up for discussion.

"Alright, but I think you owe me an explanation."

"What do I have to explain?" Neuvillette asked.

"Maybe the claw marks on his neck? Or the fact you smashed the wall so easily? Don't you think I deserve to know the truth now?" 

After seeing that, he was not going to let Neuvillette avoid it. He didn't know why but he needed to know Neuvillette's secret. 

"I will tell you on the way back then." Neuvilette reluctantly agreed. Although he would have preferred to just refuse and leave, he knew Wriothesley was on to him and there was no use in trying the hide it. It was his own fault for not controlling himself.

"And how are we supposed to get out of here?" Wriothesley asked. But only a second later they stood on the surface, on the grass right outside of the house. 

"Oh, so you can also teleport?" Wriothesley scoffed.

"I will explain... But yes."

As they began walking back to The court of Fontaine, Neuvillette practically dragged the man behind him in one hand.

"SO. Am I getting an explanation?"

"Short or long-"

"Just say it as it is, Neuvillette."

"I'm the dragon sovereign of water."

"You're what?"

"The hydro dragon."

"Are you serious?"

Neuvillette nods, and Wriothesley stares at him like he's insane.

"You're the fucking hydro dragon!? But don't you work under Lady Furina? Aren't you much stronger than her then, why you let her boss you around?"

"It seems you've forgotten what nation you live in, your grace. I suggest you speak more kindly of your archon."

"But why?"

"I cannot tell you. And i trust you will keep this between us?"

"Yes... I will keep me mouth shut."


𝐍𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 - Wriothesley x NeuvilletteWhere stories live. Discover now