Unintentional betrayal (Chapter 17)

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The rain poured down outside the windows of Palais Memoria, but Neuvillette didn't care. He didn't care to try and control his emotions or keep the sky clear. Despite having promised to never get close to anyone, he had clearly managed to get attached to Wriothesley. He shouldn't have trusted him. Now he knew that. Now he knew he couldn't trust anyone but himself. 

He wanted to cry, to let out some of his pent-up emotions, but it had been centuries since he had last been able to cry. It seemed his eyes had dried out, and the tears disappeared. So all he could do was watch the clouds cry for him.  And cry they did. It poured down for days in Fontaine, all while the Iudex shut himself in his office, working tirelessly on various cases, including the assassination attempts.

While Neuvillette worked, Wriothesley did too. He was not much for paperwork, so it concerned the entire fortress when he buried himself in it. 

He worked through countless files, searching for anything that could have something to do with the so-called Ciel. It didn't take long to go through everyone and everything that had something to do with 'heavenly'. Not that he expected it to be that meaning. It did make more sense that it was 'sky'. 

Unfortunately, there are many more groups and people in Teyvat who have names, events, and even people that have something to do with the sky. Most are just astrologists and weird cloud enthusiasts. Both were quite easy to find, on the same hill, at different times. Cloud gazing and star gazing. Those groups could be great friends. He thought to himself as he continued looking through files.

The search continued in the outskirts of Fontaine's beryl region. Just about the same place he had met up with Matheo back then. It felt weird and strangely scary to investigate this place without the Iudex's protection. He would go back to the court of Fontaine and apologize, but what good would that do? Neuvillette may be cold, but he did not deserve to be treated like that. How he wished he had burned those notes.

The more he searched the area, the worse he felt. This was not right, and he could feel it. Every bit of his mind and body was telling him to leave. But he kept searching. What if he left right before finding something? It was a long trip for nothing, so he kept searching. 

He saw a paper on the ground and kneeled down to look at it. There were a few notes in a language he did not recognize. There was only a single word that he was able to read. Ciel. 

He heard a sound behind him and quickly got up and turned around, but it was too late. Something was thrown in his eyes. It burned, and he felt his eyes water. He couldn't see anything. Everything was a blur. 

He punched the air, hoping to hit whoever was there. Without his sight his other senses sharpened, and he could hear someone laugh under their breath. He heard a movement and soon felt the impact as someone kicked him, hitting his ribs. He felt them break under the heavy blow, and he fell to the ground in pain. 

He thought this was it. He was going to die here, and he couldn't even see who had managed to sneak up on him. If only he had heard them, then they would have stood no chance. But here he was, on the ground. 

He could feel the pain in his side from where the blow broke his ribs. Fuck it hurt, and he couldn't help but wince. He felt something grab his ankles, and he was dragged to god knows where. He tried to listen and figure out where he was dragged off to, but the pain distracted him and he couldn't focus on remembering the path.

When he finally regained his sight, he was in some odd room. It wasn't a room, it was more of a cave, but someone clearly lived there. He could smell coffee, old parchment, and... burnt toast? Something smelled burned. Perhaps this person wasn't very good at cooking. That would explain the lack of food in this room? House? Living space. He looked around, and saw a person come into the view. 

They were wearing a hood and a mask, and honestly, Wriothesley had no idea who the fuck that could be. There was nothing to give away the person's age, gender, or anything. But now he at least knew what it was that smelled burnt. The person held a torch.

A small note was placed in front of him, and he looked down to read it. He felt his breath quicken and his lips tremble as he read what the person had written. It was absurd. 'Help me ruin the Chief Justice, or I'll light you up and blow Meropide to bits.' He couldn't let either of the things happen. He couldn't. 

He knew he had no choice, but that didn't make it any easier. He nodded at the person and was freed. It felt truly horrible. But if he died here, who would protect Meropide? At least if he was alive, he would have a chance to save Neuvillette. 

He didn't know much about Neuvillette and luckily couldn't give the person much information. He wrote down everything he knew, with an exception being the fact that the Iudex is the hydro dragon. That he wouldn't tell. He handed the paper to the person. He felt a knot in his chest, and his throat dried up. He had just betrayed Neuvillette, betrayed Fontaine. 

He should have gone and apologized instead, asked for help, and handed the information he had to the Iudex instead. He should have done so many things differently. That was clear. Especially when he saw another person walk in. The person wasn't wearing a mask or a cloak, but they didn't have to. Wriothesley would always recognize him. Anywhere. Anytime. He looked right up into Matheo's eyes. 

𝐍𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 - Wriothesley x NeuvilletteWhere stories live. Discover now