Droplets of sorrow (Chapter 12)

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Wriothesley had been too busy to notice the tension around him, the hatred towards the Chief Justice. But he did notice the constant rain. He did wonder if the saying was true, if the hydro dragon was crying. In his one break, his one free moment, he went outside the Fortress on a walk. He decided to walk to that place where he and Neuvillette had met each other a few weeks earlier and where everything had started.

 It was still raining. Not a soft pitter platter of rain but a rainstorm. Big droplets hit the ground all around him, and it was loud. The rain was loud today, screaming in his ears as he made his way up the hill to the spot, where he found Neuvillette amidst it all, staring up into the sky. Rain droplets fell on his skin, but he remained unmoving. He looked beautiful. Wriothesley knew Neuvillette was beautiful, but the way he looked now was absolutely enchanting. The hydro dragon sure was a heavenly sight, standing there in the rain, with an aura of divinity around him. Wriothesley didn't dare speak. He didn't dare ruin the moment. He was completely captivated by the man before him. 

When Neuvillette turned his head towards him, he looked right into his eyes. A shiver ran down Wriothesley's spine as he looked into the cold depths of Neuvillette's eyes. He did not expect to be looked at so coldly. He expected some sort of warmth. 

But Neuvilette's gaze was just as cold as the rain around them. Just as cold as the droplets that soaked their clothes and covered their skin. He could feel the chill seep into his bones, threatening to make him tremble. But he did not want to tremble now, here, in front of Neuvillette. It didn't feel right, it felt like in this moment, Neuvillette's could ice would pierce and kill him if he dared show vulnerability.


"Wriothesley." Neuvillette's voice was as cold as his eyes.

"Why are you standing here in the rain? How about we go inside and get out of the rain?"

"Wriothesley, did you help Matheo escape from the Police detention center?"


"Did you?"

"Yes, why does that matter? We should get inside. You'll get sick if you stay out here-"

Neuvillette simply turned and left. He only walked behind a cliffside, but when Wriothesley looked for him, he was already gone. Wriothesley thought he must have teleported away, but why? Was he upset Wriothesley had freed Matheo? As he walked back through the streets of Fontaine, now more aware of his surroundings, he started hearing what people were saying. He started realizing why Neuvillette had reacted like that.

Wriothesley was filled with guilt as he heard what people were saying about the Iudex. Did they seriously think Neuvillette was behind Matheo's disappearance? He was tempted to drop his plan and tell everyone it was him. It was probably also what Neuvillette wished he would do. 

But he had a job to do. He had to expose the truth. He needed the entirety of Fontaine to know he had not had a choice when he killed his foster parents. Despite no one even knowing what crime he committed and the solace he had found after all those years, now that he had finally found Matheo, his hatred and rage started a new flame within him. He wanted to entertain all of Fontaine with Matheo's deeds, and he would. He would just have to apologize to Neuvillette later, right?

The rain kept pouring down, and Wriothesley had to run the last bit to the Fortress, wanting to avoid drowning on land. How stupid would that sound on a tombstone? 'It rained so hard that day that he managed to drown on land.' But seriously, if it didn't stop raining soon, Fontaine would be flooded before the prophecy would even happen.

 Although he couldn't deny the beauty of it all. The chaos of the downpour around him was breathtaking and powerful, and once again his mind drifted back to Neuvillette. He felt a mix of guilt and awe when he admired the rain. To think he had spent weeks with someone so powerful they could cause such weather with their emotions alone. 

He returned to the Fortress, every step into the depth deafened the roaring rain outside, every step took him further away from Neuvillette. And he knew it. He knew he should go back and find the Iudex. He even wanted to get on his knees for him and apologize until the skies cleared and the rain disappeared. He wanted to forget about his dignity and his mission and go back. Why? He did not know. He just wanted to comfort the weeping dragon. Then he saw Matheo, sitting there in his office looking so smug. The guilt immediately vanished and was replaced by pure hatred. He was once again reminded of his goal, reminded of what he craved.

 He pushed Matheo off his chair and sat down himself. He needed more evidence to prove he had been a victim. Matheo confessing in court was, first of all, a risk without evidence. He could just turn against Wriothesley and say he was forced to court. He needed the evidence for safety. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like Matheo was willing to help ruin his own future. What a pity.

He then decided the best way to think was to get some tea. So he stood up and did just that, making a cup of tea for himself, none for Matheo.

Day turned into the night, not that anyone could tell, as the sky had been dark all day, but the time said it was about time Wriothesley put his paperwork away and went to sleep. He got up, kicked Matheo out of his office, locked the door, and went to his room where he went straight to bed. 

His mind was still racing with thoughts and potential solutions. And Neuvillette. His mind was also clouded with thoughts about him. How beautiful he had looked in the rain. Then it hit him. Neuvillette had evidence, Neuvillette had notes and information about his case that could help him prove it. He just had to go see him. That shouldn't be too bad. What could possibly go wrong by walking into an upset dragon's office?

𝐍𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 - Wriothesley x NeuvilletteWhere stories live. Discover now