Going for a stroll (Chapter 34)

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Despite the disapproving glances from some, Neuvillette ignored their silent judgments and made his way out of the court of Fontaine. He walked along the path, towards the Liffey region, towards Wriothesley. He could have teleported, of course, but he needed a break. He felt the fresh air hit his face and blow his hair out of his face. He needed a moment to think. What do you say to someone who is upset with you? Someone you love more than oxygen and whom you just want to breathe in the presence of for eternity? 

He took a deep breath, looking at the waters of Fontaine as he walked. As Neuvillette entered the fortress, he couldn't shake the feeling of urgency. He needed to find Wriothesley and reassure him that his love was unwavering. It had truly been too long. He walked through Meropide, ignoring anyone who tried to speak to him, ignoring all questions and all protests of people saying the Duke didn't want to be disturbed. He didn't care. He opened the doors and walked up the stairs, standing before the love of his life.

Wriothesley, surrounded by paperwork and the ghostly silence of his solitude, looked up as Neuvillette entered. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Before Neuvillette got a chance to speak, Wriothesley stood up and left without a word. He just stood there confused, looking after his love as he left, and the door slammed. He didn't even feel hurt, just confused.

Neuvillette stood frozen for a moment, the weight of confusion settling in his chest. The door slammed shut, leaving him alone in Wriothesley's office. What just happened? He asked himself.The corridors of Meropide seemed to close in around him as he navigated the fortress in pursuit of his beloved. Neuvillette's mind raced, contemplating the possible reasons for Wriothesley's abrupt exit. Did he do something to upset him further?

As he turned a corner, Neuvillette spotted Wriothesley at the end of the corridor, shoulders tense as he continued to walk away. Neuvillette quickened his pace, determined to catch up."Wriothesley, please wait," Neuvillette called out, his voice echoing through the corridor. The Duke paused, but he didn't turn around. "I don't understand. What's going on? Why are you avoiding me?" Neuvillette pleaded, his words hanging in the air like a delicate plea for understanding.

"You don't answer any of my letters for over a week, making me worry and hurt... And then go here thinking it's fine? You're what, hundreds of years old? And you don't understand basic decency and communication?" Wriothesley said, turning around to look at Neuvillette.

"...You didn't receive my letters?"


"Wriothesley I did write to you..."


"I was thinking something must have gone between us and that you didn't receive my letters... I came to see you, both to confirm my suspicion... And because I cannot bear to be apart from you for even a second longer. I need you."

Neuvillette's voice trembled slightly as he spoke. He had never expected to hear his own voice sound so weak. He looked at Wriothesley, seeing as the other man's eyes softened in understanding.

Neuvillette closed the distance between them and pulled Wriothesley into a tight embrace. Wriothesley, taken aback by the sudden intrusion of warmth, let go of the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. Neuvillette's touch was a balm to the ache in his heart.

"I received your letter," Neuvillette whispered his voice soothing Wriothesley's heart. "I'm sorry for the delay, for the distance that crept between us. I love you, Wriothesley."

Wriothesley, overcome with a mix of relief and longing, held Neuvillette even tighter. Words became unnecessary as the silence between them spoke volumes. In that embrace, the fortress walls melted away, and the weight of their separation dissipated. Wriothesley, still wrapped in the warmth of Neuvillette's arms, felt the knots of anxiety and doubt loosening within him. None of them even cared if anyone walked down the corridor and saw them. All that mattered to them was the other's closeness.

"I'm assuming you've been rotting in your office, unable to think of anything but me?" Wriothesley said, smirking.

A hint of a smile played on Neuvillette's lips. "Guilty as charged. I needed you, Wriothesley."

The Duke's eyes softened, and he reached out to caress Neuvillette's cheek. "I needed you too. The silence, the unanswered letters, it felt like I was losing you."

Neuvillette leaned into the touch, savoring the warmth of Wriothesley's hand against his skin. "You'll never lose me. I'm here, and I'm not going to leave anytime soon."

Wriothesley took a deep breath as if inhaling the assurance Neuvillette offered. "I'm sorry for storming out like that. I let my worries get the better of me."

"No need for apologies," Neuvillette replied, his voice gentle.

Wriothesley took Neuvillette's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Where do we go from here?"

Neuvillette smiled. "How about we escape this fortress and take some time for ourselves? A change of scenery might do us good."

Wriothesley chuckled, appreciating the spontaneity. "I could use a break from these walls. Lead the way, my love."

Hand in hand, they walked out of the fortress, people staring at him the entire way, mostly in disbelief. Seems no one had expected to see the Duke and the Chief Justice walk out of Meropide hand in hand.

Neuvillette couldn't help but steal glances at Wriothesley as they walked together, appreciating the way the sunlight played upon his features. Wriothesley certainly wasn't a difficult man to appreciate the looks of. Neuvillette found himself thinking things and admiring Wriothesley in a way he never thought he would. He never thought he'd stare at a man's backside, but Wriothesley was a special case. 

Neuvillette drew Wriothesley close and kissed him. Using the kiss as an excuse to swiftly slip his hand from Wriothesley's waist and further down, making the other man's breath hitch. He looked at the Duke's face. He looked good with a blush.

Wriothesley was dying inside. Who the hell had taught Neuvillette that? Wasn't he supposed to be innocent? Or was he acting on innocent curiosity? What even is that? But he had to admit, it did feel good to have Neuvillette's hands on his ass, even if it was a little embarrassing. He kissed Neuvillette's forehead, a habit he had made as an excuse to stare at his eyes. How he would love to drown in those eyes.

Back in the early chapters, Neuvillette wouldn't even think about it. Now, he is finally admitting he loves Wriothesley's cake. Character development.

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