Clash of steel, clash of hearts (Chapter 37)

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Wriothesley sensed something was wrong long before it happened. He felt uneasy the entire day, unable to focus on his duties or enjoy anything. Not even his tea.

Despite having felt the storm coming, he was still shocked when Sigewinne rushed into his office, yelling there were some weird clockwork meka's outside one of Meropide's entrances, and that the first unit guards were already in the infirmary. They desperately needed backup.

 Wriothesley's heart pounded in his chest as he listened to Sigewinne's urgent words. The sense of unease that had plagued him all day now crystallized into a sharp clarity. Without a moment's hesitation, Wriothesley stood up and followed a unit of guards to the outside world, realizing just how long it had actually been since he last was here. It didn't take long before he spotted the battle. He couldn't tell what was odd about it. 

It was just a few clockwork mekas, not something too difficult to handle, so why were the guards struggling? That's when he noticed that for every slain enemy, another one replaced it. They were truly towering monstrosities of steel and gears that just wouldn't go away. The clash was fierce and unforgiving, the sound of steel meeting steel pierced his ears every time his gauntlets hit the mekas. Wriothesley fought with a ferocity born of desperation, his every strike a testament to his unwavering resolve to protect those under his care. If there was one thing he wouldn't accept, it was losing Meropide, especially not to clockwork trash on the run. Although, he couldn't deny it was quite suspicious. 

Amidst the clash of metal and the acrid scent of smoke, Wriothesley's eyes locked onto the robed figure. Their gaze met, and Wriothesley got distracted, stopping mid-punch. Stopping for too long. He felt a sharp pain in his side as he was hit by a steel arm and thrown into a rock side of a hill. He could feel his body ache as he got up but was hit with the meka's sword right in his shoulder, sending him down on the ground once more. He felt fear consume him. As Wriothesley lay on the ground, pain searing through his shoulder, fear coursing through his veins, he struggled to gather his thoughts amidst the chaos of battle. The clang of metal, the shouts of his comrades, the relentless advance of the clockwork mekas. All of it seemed distant, drowned out by the pounding of his own heart and the taste of blood in his mouth. It all seemed to drown out more and more, his eyelids feeling heavier than they should.

When he finally woke up again, he wasn't outside Meropide anymore but rather in the infirmary. As soon as he opened his eyes, Sigewinne was in his face, looking at him with anger, concern, and relief. "You're awake," Sigewinne exclaimed, her voice a mixture of emotions. "You had us all worried sick, Wriothesley."

Wriothesley attempted to sit up, feeling the dull ache in his shoulder intensify as he moved. "What happened?" he managed to ask, his voice hoarse from exertion and pain.

Sigewinne's expression softened, though traces of anger still lingered in her eyes. "You took quite a blow from one of those clockwork mekas," she explained. "We barely managed to get you out of there before things got worse."

"So we won? It went okay?"

"Yes, someone sent a call for help, and Monsieur Neuvillette showed up and dealt with the enemies."

"Oh," Wriothesley said. For some reason, the thought of Neuvillette saving them didn't sit well with him. He glanced out of the corner of his eye just to see the familiar figure of the Iudex sitting on a chair beside his bed.

"You're fortunate to be alive, Wriothesley," Neuvillette spoke, breaking the silence.

"I suppose I have you to thank for that? The great Iudex bothered to show up?" Wriothesley said a little more bitterly than he had intended.

Neuvillette's eyes flashed with indignation, his temper flaring as he struggled to contain his anger. "Don't you dare turn this around on me," he retorted, his voice rising with each word. "You were reckless out there, Wriothesley. You could have gotten yourself killed."

"And what was I supposed to do, Neuvillette?" Wriothesley countered, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "Stand by and watch as Meropide fell to those clockwork monstrosities? I had to do something."

"You had to think before charging headlong into danger," Neuvillette shot back, his voice laced with exasperation. "You're not invincible, Wriothesley. You could have gotten yourself killed, and for what? To prove some point?"

Wriothesley's jaw tightened, the weight of Neuvillette's words hitting him like a physical blow. "This isn't about proving a point, Neuvillette," he snapped, his voice tinged with hurt. "I did what I had to do to protect Meropide, to protect the people I care about."

"And you don't care about yourself or your well-being?"

"Why should I when the man I love doesn't?"

"Don't you dare say I don't care about you," Neuvillette said, glaring at him.

"You sure don't show it."

Neuvillette's expression softened, his anger momentarily replaced by a pained look. "Wriothesley, you know that's not true," he said, his voice softer now, tinged with regret. "I care about you more than you realize."

Wriothesley met Neuvillette's gaze, his anger slowly dissipating as he searched for the truth in those familiar eyes. "Then show me, Neuvillette," he said, his voice pleading. "Show me that you care."

"Wriothesley... You know we aren't exactly.."

"Aren't what, Neuvillette?"

"I cannot love you," Neuvillette spat out before he could think about what he was saying.

"You can't love me? You're just a heartless man, as they say then?"


"You know damn well I love you, and then you pull this. For what? Were you just toying around with me? The Hydro Dragon sovereign is perhaps a little bored. Made me think I actually had a chance with you?" Wriothesley was speaking from hurt rather than anger now, and Neuvillette swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry, Wriothesley. I never intended to hurt you."

"Then love me. Say you love me."


"Either say you love me or say you don't. If you really can't be with me, then say you don't want me, say you don't love me, Neuvillette."


"Say it."

"I don't love you, Wriothesley," Neuvillette whispered, barely able to get the lie out between his lips.

"Then leave."

Sorry :)

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