Disturbing scenes (Chapter 27)

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Despite the awkwardness, Neuvillette and Wriothesley went on with the day as if nothing had happened. They both recalled the kiss in their minds, thinking about it throughout the day, but didn't let it distract them. Although Wriothesley was disappointed, he was going to respect Neuvillette's decision and be there for him like always. It was the least he could do after all of this.

In the afternoon, Sedene rushed into Neuvillette's house, looking distressed and panicked. Neuvillette immediately put down the work he was doing and went over to her just to have a stack of files put in his hands. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, hoping for an explanation, but she was out of it and kept insisting that he read the papers. Seven bodies were found in the court of Fontaine, none of them identifiable. One in Palais Memoria, one by Café Lutece, one on the Aquabus, One in Hotel Debord, One in the Beaumont workshop, One by The Steambird, and one by the large fountain in Vasari passage. All were as torn apart, disturbing, and horrifying as the one found in The Fountain of Lucine. All either had the name 'Ciel' carved in their skin, or it was written around them with their blood.

"Seven... all within Fontaine's heart," Neuvillette muttered, his mind racing to comprehend the scale of the atrocities. He glanced at Sedene. Her distress mirrored his own, and he knew the city would tremble under the weight of these horrors, and he had to catch Ciel now before more were hurt.

With determination etched on his face, Neuvillette rushed to the Court of Fontaine, where chaos reigned. Even in the turmoil, Neuvillette's mind raced. How had Ciel infiltrated Fontaine's most secure spaces without detection? Who wielded such cruelty and cunning to execute these vile acts?

As the investigation progressed, a faint clue emerged, a bloodstained parchment discovered at one of the murder scenes. On it lay a cryptic message, a puzzle. It was clear to Neuvillette that this murderer wasn't normal in any way. This person had gotten away with so many murders now that they were bored. This person wanted to be found, wanted people to play right into their hands and show how incompetent everyone was compared to them. He knew this kind of narcissistic psychopath all too well. Unfortunately, this was the first one who was truly as smart as they made themselves out to be.

Through the night, Neuvillette worked tirelessly. The once vibrant streets lay quiet, an eerie silence swallowing the city. Every report, every clue, every shred of evidence was scrutinized in the race against time. Much to Neuvillette's relief, Wriothesley came to his office to help. Together, they analyzed every detail they could find.In the dimly lit office, the atmosphere was tense yet focused. Neuvillette and Wriothesley delved deep into the cryptic message. The parchment, stained with crimson, bore a curious combination of symbols and phrases that seemed to be a deliberate taunt from Ciel, an invitation to a game of cat and mouse.

The puzzle toyed with their intellect, its complexity a testament to the disturbingly brilliant mind behind these acts. Neuvillette's eyes traced the lines of the message repeatedly, seeking patterns, hidden meanings, anything that might pierce through the veneer of mystery.Wriothesley offered insights and angles Neuvillette hadn't considered. Their collaboration though laced with tension, bore the promise of a breakthrough. The Duke proved to be more than just a ruthless fighter, and Neuvillette appreciated his help.They pieced together fragments of the message, dissecting each phrase and symbol, endeavoring to decipher the underlying motive behind Ciel's violence. "Look here," Neuvillette beckoned to Wriothesley, his finger tracing a series of locations subtly mentioned within the cryptic text. "These coordinates, hidden amidst the message, they correspond to particular areas in the city."

Wriothesley leaned in, his gaze fixated on the marked points. "The Steambird, the Aquabus, the fountain in Vasari Passage... They are part of Ciel's grotesque canvas," he murmured, the realization settling in."It's a trail," Neuvillette continued, his mind racing to decode the twisted map painted by Ciel. "But what are those coordinates for?" Wriothesley asked, pointing at the last set of coordinates in the puzzle.

"Either the next victim or our next clue. Either way, we need to get there."Neuvillette stood up and got a map. He looked at the coordinates and then the map, aligning the coordinates. His breath hitched, and the final set pinpointed a familiar yet ominous location. It led to the hill, a vantage point where Neuvillette often sought solace. The very hill where he and Wriothesley's journey through this nightmare had begun.Their gazes met an unspoken understanding hanging between them.

"That's disturbing," Wriothesley commented.


"We have to go there."

"I am very much aware of that."

They got up and left Neuvillette's office and exited Palais Memoria. The silence around them felt suffocating, each footstep resonating louder in the stillness. Neuvillette's mind raced through the possibilities. Was this a trap set by Ciel or the key to ending this horrifying sequence of events?

As they got up on the hill, they stood face to face with Matheo.

"Where's Ciel?" Wriothesley asked.

"You're looking at him," Matheo responded, but only received a scoff from Wriothesley.

"We both know you're far too stupid to be Ciel, so cut the crap Matheo."

Neuvillette didn't step in, letting Wriothesley talk to Matheo.

"Where did that other guy go? The hooded guy?"

"You mean the hooded woman." To Neuvillette an unfamiliar voice said those words, but Wriothesley recognized it immediately.

 Another person came into view. The person who had held the torch back in that cave threatened to kill him and blow up Meropide and made Wriothesley betray Neuvillette back then. They let their hood down, and Wriothesley stared right at one of the women who had been a part of the whole selling kids when he was a child. He remembered this woman standing behind his foster parents when they were discussing the future of him and his siblings.

I've written 2 chapters below 1000 words in a row now. Sorry y'all. It's either this or way too long chapters. 

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