Ch. 28 - The Magic Show Begins!

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[ Quick Notice! This chapter is recommended to be viewed with dark mode! ]

▷ [ New Character Detected: Furina the Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples and Laws! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°  ]

"Huh?" (Y/N) blinked as they looked around for the archon, yet not a single hair of Furina could be found- where the hell-

"-I should probably let you know, even though I would prefer not to.." Neuvillette began, his tone sounding tiredly used to whatever he had been subjected to. "There's a certain someone sitting up on the VIP seats that has been striking a pose for quite a while now."

At the mention of this, everyone went to follow Neuvillette's gaze upwards to find Furina sitting up on a rather lavish seat that seemed just too comically large for her person. With a hand on her chin, it was obvious she was trying a little too hard on her divine aura.

"Preferably, you should notice this elegant presence of hers before she gets flustered." Neuvillette mused, hinting at a sliver of amusement; this definitely wasn't the first time he had to inform this.

His words suddenly had reminded (Y/N) of Hex and his occupation before he had, well, died. Being a celebrity always meant putting on a front for others, and for (Y/N), they had noticed how relaxed he had been ever since coming to Teyvat.

The former pop star looked down at his best friend.

'I wonder how everyone grieved about his death. Must've been on the news for weeks.' The fungi thought but quickly shook it off. Hex was fine now so they shouldn't dwell on it.


It took a while longer until the spotlights flashed brightly and perfect beams of light illuminated the dark stage, (Y/N) felt themself vibrate in joy and excitement and Hex simply smiled at the sight.

Not a moment later, a very familiar magician walked up to the front of the stage. "Welcome, one and all, to the Opera Epiclese! I am Lyney, the star of today's show!" He announced enthusiastically, before gesturing his head slightly to the side to avert the cheering audience's attention to another figure walking up next to him.

"And over here is my sister, Lynette, who will be working as my wonderful assistant. Please, let's all give her a warm welcome!"
Lyney introduced with even more enthusiasm. Though Lynette looked almost tired, her eyes squinted as if she had been abruptly woken up.

"Hello, everyone." Lynette greeted with a deadpan tone, yet the audience cheered happily despite that.

In the next minute, Lyney swiftly explained that he and Lynette would be taking their visions away as to proof their legitimacy in their magical prowess without the help of the elements.

With the speedy work of their other-other assistant, Lyney began the show as Lynette began other preparations. (Y/N) couldn't wait!

A few card tricks, some pigeons appearing and a mind-boggling water tank trick later, they moved on to a swap trick as two large magic boxes appeared on opposite sides of the hall.

Soon, the magician picked out a random audience member and led them to the magic box on the steps leading down to the stage, while Lyney headed inside the one on the stage.

And everyone counted down.

"Twenty-five, twenty-four, twenty-three!" They all shouted excitedly, whilst Lyney had some comedic bits here and there to keep the audience engaged. Of course, (Y/N) joined in enthusiastically and Hex had to keep them in place since they were jumping around with vigor.

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